Wednesday, October 5, 2011

MIssion Trip!

We've scheduled our summer 2012 mission trip! This year we'll be heading south to Cincinnati, Ohio on July 29 through August 3. I encourage all middle schoolers finishing 6th grade- 8th grade to consider joining me on this trip. The cost of the trip is $350. There will be 2 fundraising opportunities: a bake sale in December and our dinner/auction in March. A $50 deposit is due Sunday, December 4, along with a signed mission trip covenant. (Ask me for one!)

You might be asking yourself, "Why should I go on a mission trip?" Here are several reasons:
It builds compassion
It can change your perspective
It helps you grow closer to God as well as your friends in the youth group
It blesses others It build's God's Kingdom
It's fun!

If you have more questions about our summer trip, let me know!

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