Thursday, December 24, 2009

Have a Blessed Christmas everyone!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Our new name

OK- I've got some names for us to vote on. You can vote here - by commenting to the blog; you can email me; or just tell me what you think. Here are the top 4 names voted on by the Youth Ministry Team.

– Jesus' Army (We had a discussion about how you actually pronounce this!)
– GeMS (Geneva Middle School)
– His Kids
– G.L.O.W. (God Lighting Our World)

What do you think? Parents, kids, or anyone else reading this blog, can vote!

Saturday, December 5, 2009


OK- They changed the place at the very last minute of where we are supposed to ring the bells for the Salvation Army. please meet me at Walmart today between 4 and 6:00. I called everyone who told me they were coming, but in case there are some of you who didn't sign up .... this message is for you!