Thursday, May 28, 2009

Got Two Minutes?

Minute #1 - Check this out... Brendan and Breana competed again at Robofest and their team won the people's choice award. Read about it here: robofest

Minute #2 - Check this out too... Jason Alexander's Taking a Minute. Are you battling something? Are you ready for it?

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A Year Under My Belt

I've reached the anniversary of being hired as the Geneva Mid-High Ministries Coordinator (now that's a mouthful!). What a year it's been. I didn't necessarily understand everything I was getting into when I started, but I'm sure glad I did.  I had been leading Breakfast Club, and had gotten to know the kids from that, but being able to do retreats, LifeStream, overnights,  service work and fellowship activities really helped me find out what wonderful mid-highs we have at church. I know I've said this before (a lot) but I am constantly amazed at their insightful questions, thoughtful answers and their thirst for understanding God. I knew my job was to help these young Christians grow in their faith, but I didn't know that I, too, would grow in the process. 

It's really been a great year. Last summer's mission trip to Niagara Falls was a real eye opener. It was a great challenge for me and learned a lot about myself, about service to the Lord and about God's children here on earth. I'm very excited and really looking forward to what God has in store for me and the group going to Green Bay in about a month. I just have to remember to pack my camera for this trip...

I've really enjoyed Breakfast Club this year. I have watched it turn into a more worshipful environment (getting into the "worship zone") and I enjoyed the songs, the prayers and the deep discussions we shared. I also loved the laughter, the activities and, of course, the delicious food that people brought in. Breakfast Club is a unique time of learning, prayer, worship and fellowship. I was happy to see so many kids attending and all the spots on the couches being taken. I loved to watch how welcoming everyone was when new people would join. 

Fellowship has been amazing. I've had so much fun planning and attending these events. I think it's important for Christians to have fun relaxing,  laughing and getting to know each other with no other purpose in mind but enjoying each other's company. I've tried to plan events that most people would like, and I'm open to suggestions for next year. I think making fellowship times right after church has made it easier for people to come. What do you think? what kind of fellowship activities would you like me to schedule?

I have learned a lot at LifeStream. I wish more people would have been able to come to our Wednesday night learning opportunity, but I was happy that some of you were able to make it and learn a lot more about the Bible and God's Word for us. Maybe next year Wednesday's will work better for the mid-highs. 

I was especially happy that we could participate in the corporate worship at Geneva. The mid highs (as are all the young people) are an important part of Geneva. The worship service in the sanctuary isn't just for adults. It's for everyone. When we sang at advent, performed skits at Christmas and Palm Sunday, and when we sing on June 7, we are helping everyone praise and worship together. 

OK, this blog is getting as long as my emails..... Tell me what you thought about this past year in our youth group. What activities diid you especially like? Where did you see God working? What did you learn? How did your faith grow? What would you like to see happening next year? Comment to the blog so everyone can see, tell me in person or email me your thoughts. 

Your sister in Christ,


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Got Another Minute?

Here's another Taking a Minute from Jason Anderson. This one is a really good message.
Check it out here.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

More Pictures

More pictures from the retreat!

This time, I will thank Rick Russell for taking these photos.

Check them out here: More Retreat Photos

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Got a Minute?

This guy, Jason Anderson, has one minute Christian messages for youth your age. From his website ( "Taking a Minute is a one minute teaching on subjects designed to challenge, motivate and inspire young people in their walk with Christ."

I encourage you to check it out here.  I'm going to try to remember to post a new link for a new message every week. Let me know what you think....

Monday, May 4, 2009

Reflections from the Youth Retreat

I'm still reveling in the awesome retreat we had. I enjoyed spending so much time with the kids and getting to know them a little bit better. I am constantly impressed by their spirit, enthusiasm, energy and love for each other. I really wish the weekend could have been longer. 

Here are some observations I made about the mid-high kids:

~ They are really welcoming. They try very hard to include everyone. That makes me really happy. I don't know if it's because it was kind of a small group (7 kids) or not, but I was pleased to see they tried not to leave anyone out. It wasn't always easy, but I could see they were trying.

~ They aren't afraid to speak their mind. They were open and honest, shared their thoughts and feelings and weren't afraid to ask difficult questions. This is difficult for anyone to do. It's even more impressive when young people do it. 

~ They have a love for God and are really becoming grounded in their faith. They have fabulous insight into understanding God's word and are enthusiastic learners. They took the lessons and activities seriously.

~ They are awesome encouragers! (Is that even a word? I don't know). They encouraged everyone on the climbing wall and the high ropes course. They were also encouraging each other during discussions. 

~ They tell some really really long campfire stories!

~ They say some very memorable things (quotes to come as soon as I get them from Beth.)

~ They take a while to wake up in the mornings!

~ They are tons of fun!

~ They make me super excited for the mission trip, and make me look forward to our next retreat.


Here is a link to some of the pictures taken at the retreat. I'll be getting more later. 
