Saturday, March 21, 2009

A Group Effort

I'm still on a high from last night's fundraising event. What a terrific night it was. I heard so many compliments in the short  time I had to talk with people before I started scrubbing pots in the kitchen. I was getting anxious during the week for everything to go smoothly. I had to remind myself and internalize Phillipians 4:6 (look it up.....). However, on Friday morning I woke up and started to get super-excited about the night and knew everything was going to turn out just fine. I think it was more than fine. It was outstanding. 

What I was most impressed about, though, was not the food or the entertainment (both of which were awesome!) but by how much everyone worked together to produce the event. None of it could have been done alone. I was reminded of 1 Corinthians Chapter 12 where it speaks of spiritual gifts and also parts of the body.  Each one of you who helped yesterday was essential: if we didn't have people who ironed, the tables would have looked bad; if we didn't have people who put out the table settings, people would have had to eat with their fingers; if we didn't have people working in the kitchen, people would have been hungry; if we did't have people serving the food, people would have had to get their own; if we didn't have people working the sound booth, people wouldn't have been able to hear what was going on on the stage; if we didn't have people singing, and dancing, and acting, I would have had to perform for an hour and people would have run away screaming!!; if we didn't have people helping to clean up, I would have been there all night...... You get my meaning, right? EVERYONE was useful. EVERY part of what you did was valuable. EVERY bit of service was needed. We ALL worked together to form one outstanding body last night. I appreciate each and every one of you.... 


Anonymous said...

That was so much fun Nancy! Please send me the video soon (or put it on youtube)!


Keith & Beth said...

It was a great night the food, entertainment and the fellowship. You all did a great job, Thank you for all your hard work.
