"Be still and know that I am God."
So goes the verse from Psalms. I have to keep reminding myself this as I have been extremely busy these days. It seems like I've had so much to do these past few weeks, and looking into the weeks ahead. It was Hannah's 16th birthday, Ian is home for spring break (doctor's appts, looking at summer classes, updating his resume, etc), setting up the entertainment line-up for the fundraising dinner and scheduling play rehearsal, working on the Palm Sunday skit, thinking about stuff for my worship team, watching American Idol. Sometimes I feel like I am just going from one activity to another without time to stop and think and listen. Do you ever get that way?
It seems that everyone is busy these days. School, sports, dance classes, clubs, meetings, church, groups, and other extra-curricular activities – there's just so much to do! Do you ever stop and be still and listen? I am trying hard to make time to listen to God these days. I find that in these busy times I have to really make an effort to set aside quiet time to be with God. I need to relax and unwind and be still. Are you able to do that? Try to set aside time each day for prayer or meditation. Don't forget to listen during your quiet time. Don't fill it with your words, but listen for God's.
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