We have entered into the season of Lent. I grew up with Catholic friends who had to fast during Lent. I used to wonder why they weren't eating ice cream or watching television for 40 days before Easter. And no meat on Fridays, only fish. I remember seeing all the signs at area restaurants (even now!) with Friday fish specials and the local Elks club having a Friday fish fry. Growing up, my family never really concerned ourselves with fasting or any Lenten practices.
As an adult, I've come to learn more about Lent. In the ancient church, Lent was a time for new converts to be instructed for baptism and believers caught in sin to focus on repentance. In time, Christians came to see Lent as a season to be reminded of their need for penitence (look that word up!) and to prepare spiritually for the celebration of Easter.
Many Protestants, like myself, want to make this season special. I encourage you to do the same this year. You might might want to fast - by giving something up that takes you away from your focus on God, or you might want to add a spiritual exercise or discipline to your life (like me.) In either case, be intentional about your devotion to God. If you chose to fast or give something up, make it purposeful. ( I could say I'm giving up smoking, but I don't do that anyway.) If you chose to do something extra for God, make it purposeful, too. You might want to add a daily spiritual practice to your routine (this is what I'm doing.) You could set aside extra time for bible reading, or prayer or quiet time to be with God. You might want to participate in some special acts of kindness (to your brother or sister, for example.) Whatever you do during Lent, my hope for you is that it helps deepen your faith and prepares you for the Easter celebration to come.
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