Friday, February 13, 2009

New Blog Stuff

I've updated the list of events on the right, but haven't included April activities, so remember to keep Palm Sunday available for our drama and April 24-26 available for our spring retreat at Michindoh.

Also, I've added a couple of new lists over on that side of this page. Breakfast Club dates and who has signed up to bring food is a new list. You can sign up the regular way at church on the bulletin board, or email me and let me know when you can bring food. Also, I've included a list of some websites I like to visit. If you have some sites you'd like me to include on this list - let me know!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Nancy!

I finally looked at the blog!


Nancy said...

Welcome Molly! I hope you check back often. Let me know if you ever want me to post anything special.

Anonymous said...

It took me forever to figure out how to comment! I am NOT technologically advanced. Anyway, I read the blog!


Nancy said...

And welcome to you to Hallie! Glad you figured out how to comment.