Monday, September 17, 2012

We’re off to a running start!

I’m really excited about how our fall programming has taken off.  We’ve had a really good turnout on Sunday mornings for Breakfast Club. I’ve enjoyed watching the videos and listening to the reader’s theater versions of The Story, but I’ve mostly been energized by the discussions! Our middle schoolers can come up with some very good questions and have great insight as well.

I’m really enjoying Sunday night youth fellowship as well. We’ve had some pretty good laughs during some of our games. And yes, I will admit it was pretty exhilarating when I actually won a game of Ga Ga Ball. I’ve got some fun activities planned for our weekly youth group time, but I also hope to take suggestions from you (this means youth AND parents!) There will be a box in the youth room marked “Sunday Night Suggestions” and I hope you use it! Please put game suggestions, service/mission project suggestions or anything you have in mind for our Sunday Night get-togethers; remember this is YOUR youth group!

I also hope you think about bringing friends to both Breakfast Club and Youth Group on Sunday nights. The more the merrier!

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