Sunday, May 2, 2010

Youth Sunday!

We are participating in lots of ways for Youth Sunday, May 16. We will be leading both services along with the senior highs that day. We spent time at the retreat planning and practicing. If you were not at the retreat, we still want you involved!

Here's what we're doing as a group:

~Gathering song - Here I am to Worship - I have the words for this, please find me at church on Sunday and I'll give them to you. Molly will be signing along side our singing.

Here's a link to Here I Am to Worship on Youtube. Check it out. It's got the words and everything!

~Signing the Lord's Prayer - Like we did previously in church, we will be signing the Lord's Prayer after the pastoral prayer.

Here's a link to Julia signing the Lord's Prayer. Please practice!!

~Some people are participating in a skit (Josh and Billy) - please memorize your lines.
~Some people have learned the Lord's Prayer song. If you would also like to sing this, please let me know and I"ll get you the music to practice.
~We need worship leaders - that is people to read scripture and be leaders for responsive readings. There will be several opportunities available but we expect you to practice. Let me know ASAP if you want to help out with this.

Practice times for Youth Sunday -
You must be able to attend practice to participate in Youth Sunday (at least one, but both is preferred)
Sunday, May 9 after the 11 service (Yes, I know this is Mother's Day, I expect practice to take about 45 minutes)
Saturday, May 15 at 4:00. We will conclude practice with pizza!

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