Monday, January 11, 2010

We have a new name! and more pictures!

We have voted! The Geneva middle school youth group is now called G.L.O.W. This can stand for God LIghts Our World or God Lights Our Way or we can make it more active and have it stand for Generating Light in Our World! I guess we might have more voting to do. We'll take a vote on what we want it to say on our new t-shirts this Sunday. I heard lots of support for a firefly as our logo. Any other suggestions?

Let's try to keep referring to our group as G.L.O.W. now, OK? It's going to take a while I think before everyone catches on. The more we use it the easier it will be.

Great turnout everyone for helping the senior highs load up the truck with the donations to Fort Street. We got that entire 17 foot truck filled form top to bottom and front to back in 45 minutes! It would have taken a LOT longer without you. Thanks to everyone who helped, and a special thanks to Billy, who also helped unload the truck on Saturday morning.

Here are some pictures from Friday. Loading up the truck

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