Thursday, August 4, 2011

Thursday Night


Last Ministry Day!

We all woke up a little tired this morning but we were excited about being able to serve again in the community of Sault Ste Marie. Last night in our group time we talked a little bit about what we’ll be talking about on Sunday, picking songs and scriptures. I think you’ll be pleased to hear about how God was working here in and through our Geneva missionaries. After an awesome meal of breakfast burritos (made by the Losers crew who had to get up extra early!) we were ready to start our day.

The Haters spent their last day at War Memorial Hospital long term care facility. Madelyn, Lauren and I spent about an hour picking up trash (mostly cigarette butts) from outside around the building. Caitlin, Jessica and TJ greeted the residents who came down to the activity center and helped them do some chair exercises. We also helped finish the signs for the fundraising walk on Saturday. We came back to the church for lunch, and since this is the last week of Youthworks for the summer, we helped another crew and the staff start taking down the Youthworks’ signs, cleaned up the church and helped organize and prepare for Youthworks’ departure. After lunch we gathered up some residents and helped wheel them outside and into town for some ice cream. Our girls did a great job keeping the residents happy. Once we brought them back to the hospital we had to say goodbye. It was sad, and I gave lots of hugs.

The Losers stayed back at the church in the morning and helped clean up at the church where we are sleeping. The goal is to make this church better than when we arrived. As a thank you to the church this crew cleaned out some big closets (arts and crafts closet, and a supply closet. Then in the afternoon spent the afternoon at Kids’ Club. Since it was the last day of the Kids’ Club summer program they had a summer carnival. The carnival had a bunch of games: penny drop, duck game, ring toss, ball in the bucket, ping pong toss, wheel of fortune (Josh ran that) ladder golf (Drew ran that), and knock the cups down. A firetruck arrived and sprayed all the kids (it was a hot day so that was very popular!) They also had a petting zoo and a magic reading horse who plays basketball! It was really a fun day for the crews that were at kids’ club. Jesse did some face painting and helped out at various games. Billy made sure all the stations were running smoothly. Everyone had a big mess to pick up at the end but they pitched in and got it done.

The Singles spent the morning at Freighter View assisted living center. They cleaned the patio and seating areas. They also helped the residents sign birthday cards for other residents while they also spent some time talking and visiting residents. Josh and Jeff talked with a man who told them he was the State of Michigan boxing champion at some point. In the afternoon, they also ministered to the kids at Kids’ Club in the afternoon. (See description of the Losers for Kids’ Club activities)

After we returned back from the church we got some very sad news. A young 13 year old girl who attends one of the church groups with us, but who was not on the trip was involved in a drowning accident. At this time she was in a coma and not expected to live. This was a tragic event that, of course, no one was expecting. Our groups here rallied together in prayer and comfort and poured out our love for the girls here from that church who knew her. As sad as this occasion was, it was a blessing that these girls had so many kids and adults praying with them and showing them love as they began their grieving. It made our evening a little more somber but it’s also made our bond with these new friends stronger.

Our dinner tonight was a community cookout at Sherman Park. All of the ministry partners the groups have worked at this summer were invited. It was nice to be able to sit and chat with some of the people we’ve worked alongside this week. The kids had a terrific time playing with their new friends.

During our club time tonight we will hear the story of Jesus humbling himself and washing the disciples’ feet. Afterwards, as usual for a Youthworks’ mission trip, there will be a foot washing ceremony. The Youthworks’ staff washes the adult leaders’ feet, and then we wash the feet of our youth. This is usually a very moving and emotional time. I’m sure with the events that happened today it will be even more emotional for our youth. I always feel so honored to be able to wash the youths’ feet and pray with them. It’s usually one of the highlights of the trip. It’s a perfect way to end a week of service.

In the morning we'll pack up, and clean up and start to head south. We'll stop off along the Rifle River for some tubing and be home by nighttime.

Thanks again for your prayers of support for us this week. We have been truly blessed.

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