I don't know about you, but I had an amazing time on our mission trip to Sault Ste Marie. I thought the staff was excellent, the church time and devotions were insightful and the ministry sites were perfect. I loved meeting new people that i could talk about God with. I loved getting that chance to give of myself and not think about 'what's in it for me' for a while. I appreciated that everyone I was hanging around with were all on that same schedule of morning devotions and prayers in the morning, service during the day and praise and worship each evening. It sure made it easy to devote myself to God that week.
It's difficult though to keep that kind of devotion going once I come home. I get out of that routine; I start thinking about other things; my priorities change as other things take over my life. TV, movies, bills, the Internet, family responsibilities, other jobs all start weaseling their way back into my day. I want to try to keep that feeling, that service, that routine that I had on my mission trip but it's hard!
I am guessing that you are feeling the same way. I know I grew closer to God that week, and I think many of you did as well. Let's not step back. Let's work together and hold each other accountable for the promises we made to God to continue to get to know Him better, to rely on Him and to try to be more like His Son.
One way to do this would be to continue to make time for devotions during the day. If you don't have time for a half hour like we did on the trip, just devote some time each day to learn more about God's word and what it means to YOU. Reflecting on Scripture helps internalize God's purpose for you.
Don't forget to praise God for the wonderful way He's working in your life. When you are praying, don't just ask for things to happen, but take the time to see what God has done for you and thank Him for that.
Also, remember to continue to talk about your experience with others. Share the way God moved you and used you during your mission trip.
And finally, when you find yourself forgetting to do these things, or needing help to remember, use each other for support! Call a friend, or me or another adult who can encourage you to keep it up even when it's hard. If you find yourself discouraged, talk to other people about it! Don't give up.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Thursday Night
Last Ministry Day!
We all woke up a little tired this morning but we were excited about being able to serve again in the community of Sault Ste Marie. Last night in our group time we talked a little bit about what we’ll be talking about on Sunday, picking songs and scriptures. I think you’ll be pleased to hear about how God was working here in and through our Geneva missionaries. After an awesome meal of breakfast burritos (made by the Losers crew who had to get up extra early!) we were ready to start our day.
The Haters spent their last day at War Memorial Hospital long term care facility. Madelyn, Lauren and I spent about an hour picking up trash (mostly cigarette butts) from outside around the building. Caitlin, Jessica and TJ greeted the residents who came down to the activity center and helped them do some chair exercises. We also helped finish the signs for the fundraising walk on Saturday. We came back to the church for lunch, and since this is the last week of Youthworks for the summer, we helped another crew and the staff start taking down the Youthworks’ signs, cleaned up the church and helped organize and prepare for Youthworks’ departure. After lunch we gathered up some residents and helped wheel them outside and into town for some ice cream. Our girls did a great job keeping the residents happy. Once we brought them back to the hospital we had to say goodbye. It was sad, and I gave lots of hugs.
The Losers stayed back at the church in the morning and helped clean up at the church where we are sleeping. The goal is to make this church better than when we arrived. As a thank you to the church this crew cleaned out some big closets (arts and crafts closet, and a supply closet. Then in the afternoon spent the afternoon at Kids’ Club. Since it was the last day of the Kids’ Club summer program they had a summer carnival. The carnival had a bunch of games: penny drop, duck game, ring toss, ball in the bucket, ping pong toss, wheel of fortune (Josh ran that) ladder golf (Drew ran that), and knock the cups down. A firetruck arrived and sprayed all the kids (it was a hot day so that was very popular!) They also had a petting zoo and a magic reading horse who plays basketball! It was really a fun day for the crews that were at kids’ club. Jesse did some face painting and helped out at various games. Billy made sure all the stations were running smoothly. Everyone had a big mess to pick up at the end but they pitched in and got it done.
The Singles spent the morning at Freighter View assisted living center. They cleaned the patio and seating areas. They also helped the residents sign birthday cards for other residents while they also spent some time talking and visiting residents. Josh and Jeff talked with a man who told them he was the State of Michigan boxing champion at some point. In the afternoon, they also ministered to the kids at Kids’ Club in the afternoon. (See description of the Losers for Kids’ Club activities)
After we returned back from the church we got some very sad news. A young 13 year old girl who attends one of the church groups with us, but who was not on the trip was involved in a drowning accident. At this time she was in a coma and not expected to live. This was a tragic event that, of course, no one was expecting. Our groups here rallied together in prayer and comfort and poured out our love for the girls here from that church who knew her. As sad as this occasion was, it was a blessing that these girls had so many kids and adults praying with them and showing them love as they began their grieving. It made our evening a little more somber but it’s also made our bond with these new friends stronger.
Our dinner tonight was a community cookout at Sherman Park. All of the ministry partners the groups have worked at this summer were invited. It was nice to be able to sit and chat with some of the people we’ve worked alongside this week. The kids had a terrific time playing with their new friends.
During our club time tonight we will hear the story of Jesus humbling himself and washing the disciples’ feet. Afterwards, as usual for a Youthworks’ mission trip, there will be a foot washing ceremony. The Youthworks’ staff washes the adult leaders’ feet, and then we wash the feet of our youth. This is usually a very moving and emotional time. I’m sure with the events that happened today it will be even more emotional for our youth. I always feel so honored to be able to wash the youths’ feet and pray with them. It’s usually one of the highlights of the trip. It’s a perfect way to end a week of service.
In the morning we'll pack up, and clean up and start to head south. We'll stop off along the Rifle River for some tubing and be home by nighttime.
Thanks again for your prayers of support for us this week. We have been truly blessed.
Last Ministry Day!
We all woke up a little tired this morning but we were excited about being able to serve again in the community of Sault Ste Marie. Last night in our group time we talked a little bit about what we’ll be talking about on Sunday, picking songs and scriptures. I think you’ll be pleased to hear about how God was working here in and through our Geneva missionaries. After an awesome meal of breakfast burritos (made by the Losers crew who had to get up extra early!) we were ready to start our day.
The Haters spent their last day at War Memorial Hospital long term care facility. Madelyn, Lauren and I spent about an hour picking up trash (mostly cigarette butts) from outside around the building. Caitlin, Jessica and TJ greeted the residents who came down to the activity center and helped them do some chair exercises. We also helped finish the signs for the fundraising walk on Saturday. We came back to the church for lunch, and since this is the last week of Youthworks for the summer, we helped another crew and the staff start taking down the Youthworks’ signs, cleaned up the church and helped organize and prepare for Youthworks’ departure. After lunch we gathered up some residents and helped wheel them outside and into town for some ice cream. Our girls did a great job keeping the residents happy. Once we brought them back to the hospital we had to say goodbye. It was sad, and I gave lots of hugs.
The Losers stayed back at the church in the morning and helped clean up at the church where we are sleeping. The goal is to make this church better than when we arrived. As a thank you to the church this crew cleaned out some big closets (arts and crafts closet, and a supply closet. Then in the afternoon spent the afternoon at Kids’ Club. Since it was the last day of the Kids’ Club summer program they had a summer carnival. The carnival had a bunch of games: penny drop, duck game, ring toss, ball in the bucket, ping pong toss, wheel of fortune (Josh ran that) ladder golf (Drew ran that), and knock the cups down. A firetruck arrived and sprayed all the kids (it was a hot day so that was very popular!) They also had a petting zoo and a magic reading horse who plays basketball! It was really a fun day for the crews that were at kids’ club. Jesse did some face painting and helped out at various games. Billy made sure all the stations were running smoothly. Everyone had a big mess to pick up at the end but they pitched in and got it done.
The Singles spent the morning at Freighter View assisted living center. They cleaned the patio and seating areas. They also helped the residents sign birthday cards for other residents while they also spent some time talking and visiting residents. Josh and Jeff talked with a man who told them he was the State of Michigan boxing champion at some point. In the afternoon, they also ministered to the kids at Kids’ Club in the afternoon. (See description of the Losers for Kids’ Club activities)
After we returned back from the church we got some very sad news. A young 13 year old girl who attends one of the church groups with us, but who was not on the trip was involved in a drowning accident. At this time she was in a coma and not expected to live. This was a tragic event that, of course, no one was expecting. Our groups here rallied together in prayer and comfort and poured out our love for the girls here from that church who knew her. As sad as this occasion was, it was a blessing that these girls had so many kids and adults praying with them and showing them love as they began their grieving. It made our evening a little more somber but it’s also made our bond with these new friends stronger.
Our dinner tonight was a community cookout at Sherman Park. All of the ministry partners the groups have worked at this summer were invited. It was nice to be able to sit and chat with some of the people we’ve worked alongside this week. The kids had a terrific time playing with their new friends.
During our club time tonight we will hear the story of Jesus humbling himself and washing the disciples’ feet. Afterwards, as usual for a Youthworks’ mission trip, there will be a foot washing ceremony. The Youthworks’ staff washes the adult leaders’ feet, and then we wash the feet of our youth. This is usually a very moving and emotional time. I’m sure with the events that happened today it will be even more emotional for our youth. I always feel so honored to be able to wash the youths’ feet and pray with them. It’s usually one of the highlights of the trip. It’s a perfect way to end a week of service.
In the morning we'll pack up, and clean up and start to head south. We'll stop off along the Rifle River for some tubing and be home by nighttime.
Thanks again for your prayers of support for us this week. We have been truly blessed.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Another great day here in Sault Ste Marie! We are working hard serving the Lord. Our Geneva kids continue to set great examples for the rest of the youth here. Someone from our group is always volunteering to read scripture, or to do extra jobs or is one of the first to jump in and help take down or set up tables. They aren’t even fighting about the front seat in the car! I’m really pleased with everyone’s attitude.
The Haters were back at the War Memorial Long-term care today. Some of us spent about 45 minutes picking up trash (mostly cigarette butts) from around the hospital grounds while the others played catch with balloons with the residents in the activity center. Later in the morning, we gave hand massages and painted fingernails. The girls really enjoyed painting fingernails and Nancy’s favorite thing to do is give hand massages to seniors. We stayed there for lunch, eating with the residents, because they were having a cookout. The afternoon was rather quiet, we played games and did puzzles with some residents and helped to color signs for an upcoming walk to end Alzheimer’s.
The Losers, as usual, spent the day at Kids’ Club. In the morning they planned for the afternoon’s activities. They filled almost 200 water balloons, and set up other games. They also planned for tomorrow, which is going to be a carnival day. Billy and Drew enjoyed interacting with the kids today. Billy did another skit and hung out with his buddy, Cheyenne. Drew mostly stayed inside doing arts and crafts with the kids but also played kickball. Kids club continues to be a busy place. Over 50 kids come in and out each day! The Youthworks youth sure have a lot of love to share with these kids who need it.
After spending two days at work projects, the Singles changed ministry sites today, and spent the day at Kids’ Club as well. Jeff helped supervise the gym area organizing games for the kids. Josh found a buddy to hang with named Jordan. Jessy buddied up with an older girl who attends the Kids’ Club who is close to her own age. They enjoyed spending the afternoon together. Josh helped set up some outdoor games like jump rope and sidewalk chalk. Jesse continues to ask for things to do. She loves to stay busy.
Tonight after dinner we walked down to the Soo locks area. The kids split off into their own groups (of three or more!) A few of us saw a ship come through, so to me that was pretty cool. We looked around at some souvenir shops and, of course, had ice cream!
It’s hard to believe we only have one more day! We’ll end our ministry week continuing to develop relationships and shining God’s light through our interaction with people. Anne’s crew and Jeff’s crew will be at Kids’ Club showing what love is. My crew will spend our last day with the seniors at the Hospital. For me, I know it’s going to be difficult saying good-bye. I’ve spent a lot of time listening to their stories and I feel I’ve really gotten to know a few of them. My hope is that I’ve brought some love into their lives, even for just a short while.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Last night, during the Club (worship) time, the theme was Believing Differently. We read from Matthew about the centurion with the strong belief about Jesus. Later, in our church group time, we talked about what we believe about Jesus, and how sometimes people and other factors challenge that belief.
This morning, the Haters were back to the War Memorial Hospital Long–term care unit. We started out the morning doing chair exercises with some of the residents. The girls led them in raising their arms, and extending their legs and other things to get them moving. Then we helped them participate in a little Wii Bowling, and balloon ‘volleyball’ before we brought them to the dining room for lunch. In the afternoon we were supposed to be able to take them to an outside art fair, but it was raining so instead we stayed indoors and played bingo all afternoon before we left for our showers. Our Hater girls are really getting comfortable talking to these residents and brightening their days.
The Losers spent the morning at the Habitat for Humanity resale shop. The spent many hours organizing sinks and toilets for resale. They helped to organize shelves inside as well. In the afternoon they went back to Kinross to the Youthwork’s Kids’ Club. More games and activities were in store for the Losers. Drew spent some of the afternoon in the arts and crafts room again, with most of the afternoon painting faces. Billy spent his afternoon playing games with the kids. Kids’ Club, while it sounds like fun, is a very challenging job this week. The kids that they are serving really need their attention and love.
Today the Singles spent the day at the Ojibway cultural center and did various jobs helping to clean up the place. They cleaned up their powwow grounds for the fall powwows. They cleaned the inside of the center from top to bottom -- sweeping, mopping, washing walls and windows, washing screens, cleaning bathrooms and showers and shower curtains. They moved and stacked logs that had been dumped there a year ago when some land was cleared. These logs will now be able to be cut for firewood. They weeded around their Veterans’ Memorial. Jesse and Josh worked super hard today getting dirty and grimy. Jeff commented about Jesse and Josh, “Anything that needs to be done, before you’re even done explaining it, Jesse and Josh have volunteered.” He said they moved with purpose the entire day.
This evening after dinner we travelled to the Ojibway Cultural Center to listen to a Native American Speaker of the Ojibway tribe. We listened to Cecil, one of the tribal leaders and Les, the caretaker of the Cultural Center. We learned a lot about the Ojibway and Native American Culture. I’m hoping it prompts a good discussion about the similarities and differences of our cultures/religions during our church group time tonight.
It’s hard to believe we’re already half way done with our week! You can be assured that each member of our Geneva crew is working hard, having fun and serving God in ways they’ve never served before. I’m so enjoying hearing their stories about challenges and accomplishments. I can’t wait for them to be able to share their week with you on Sunday.
This morning, the Haters were back to the War Memorial Hospital Long–term care unit. We started out the morning doing chair exercises with some of the residents. The girls led them in raising their arms, and extending their legs and other things to get them moving. Then we helped them participate in a little Wii Bowling, and balloon ‘volleyball’ before we brought them to the dining room for lunch. In the afternoon we were supposed to be able to take them to an outside art fair, but it was raining so instead we stayed indoors and played bingo all afternoon before we left for our showers. Our Hater girls are really getting comfortable talking to these residents and brightening their days.
The Losers spent the morning at the Habitat for Humanity resale shop. The spent many hours organizing sinks and toilets for resale. They helped to organize shelves inside as well. In the afternoon they went back to Kinross to the Youthwork’s Kids’ Club. More games and activities were in store for the Losers. Drew spent some of the afternoon in the arts and crafts room again, with most of the afternoon painting faces. Billy spent his afternoon playing games with the kids. Kids’ Club, while it sounds like fun, is a very challenging job this week. The kids that they are serving really need their attention and love.
Today the Singles spent the day at the Ojibway cultural center and did various jobs helping to clean up the place. They cleaned up their powwow grounds for the fall powwows. They cleaned the inside of the center from top to bottom -- sweeping, mopping, washing walls and windows, washing screens, cleaning bathrooms and showers and shower curtains. They moved and stacked logs that had been dumped there a year ago when some land was cleared. These logs will now be able to be cut for firewood. They weeded around their Veterans’ Memorial. Jesse and Josh worked super hard today getting dirty and grimy. Jeff commented about Jesse and Josh, “Anything that needs to be done, before you’re even done explaining it, Jesse and Josh have volunteered.” He said they moved with purpose the entire day.
This evening after dinner we travelled to the Ojibway Cultural Center to listen to a Native American Speaker of the Ojibway tribe. We listened to Cecil, one of the tribal leaders and Les, the caretaker of the Cultural Center. We learned a lot about the Ojibway and Native American Culture. I’m hoping it prompts a good discussion about the similarities and differences of our cultures/religions during our church group time tonight.
It’s hard to believe we’re already half way done with our week! You can be assured that each member of our Geneva crew is working hard, having fun and serving God in ways they’ve never served before. I’m so enjoying hearing their stories about challenges and accomplishments. I can’t wait for them to be able to share their week with you on Sunday.
Monday, August 1, 2011
Monday evening
I forgot to mention that this morning Lauren, Jessica and TJ got up super early to go running with a youth leader from another church. They ran about 3 miles I think. I am really appreciative that another leader is willing to take them running in the morning. I really don’t run!
This morning the Haters went to War Memorial Hospital to spend time in the long-term care wing. We will stay here all week. Some of our group began the day cleaning up trash around the grounds while the others got a tour. We visited with the residents entering the activity center for the Monday morning sing. At 10:30 a group from a local church came in and we all sang along to many old hymns with the residents. Luckily there were songbooks, as many of the songs were unfamiliar to the kids. Most of the residents didn’t even need the books; they knew all the words. Since the hospital is directly across the street from the church where we are staying, we came back for a long lunch. After we ate, we had time to play some games and get to know the other members of our crew a little better. After lunch, back at the hospital, we helped the residents make pudding treats and chatted with them until it was time to go shower.
The Losers spent the day at the Youthworks Kids Club in Kinross. Kinross is a town filled with prisons. Most of the children attending were children whose parents are either in prison or work at the prison. Kids club had about 45 kids today. In the morning the groups planned for when the kids came later, prepping the rooms. When the kids arrived after lunch, the Losers spent some time getting to know them. They had a little free time then matched a few youths to each child attending. Kids club offered skits, and arts and crafts and gym games, (dodegeball!!) outside activities. Billy was part of a group that put on a skit about Jesus being the Light. Drew mostly worked at the arts and crafts area helping kids create fun projects with foam and feathers and popsicle sticks. She also did some face painting with the kids. Many of the kids were very challenging. This ministry is very much needed in this community where the kids aren’t getting as much love and attention that they need.
The Singles spent the day at an adult day car facility called the Community Action Center for the Take 5 program. They visited with the seniors who come and spend the day. They played games, put together puzzles and did some art projects. They even participated with the seniors in chair bowling. Another group of seniors came in just for a lunch program. The Singles helped prepare lunch (upper peninsula specialties—pasties.) They also packed lunches for meals on wheels. They also got to eat the pasty lunch at the facility with the seniors.
This evening, afer a pizza dinner, we went back to the re center where we are showering. A local Wesleyan church hosts a youth program there. We joined their youth group playing games in the gym together, then singing some songs and listening to a message by the youth pastor on the theme being followers of Jesus.
Since I"m posting this earlier than normal, I can't tell you how Club and our church group went tonight. I should be able to post more on that tomorrow.
Thanks again for praying for us!
Monday Morning
Good Morning,
As I"m writing this, Jeff, Joshua and Jesse and helping to prepare breakfast for us. The are part of the "singles" crew. Each crew was given a name. Each name is a single word that corresponds to a T-Shirt being sold later in the week by an organization called "youth enterprise." The t-shirts have one word on the front and a coordinating Bible passage on the back. My group is called the "Haters" and consists of Madelyn, Lauren, TJ, Jessica and Caitlin. We will join with 4 other girls and another adult from a church from Haslett. Jeff's group is called the "singles" and includes Josh and Jesse. They will join 2 other churches, one from Minnesota and one from somewhere else in Michigan (I can't think of where...) Anne's group is called the "Losers" and includes Billy and Drew. They will also be joined with two other churches. We are all excited to begin our day today. Later this afternoon I"ll post about our ministry projects.
The theme this week in Sault Ste Marie is talking about being different -- not conforming to the ways of the world, loving your enemies and emulating Jesus. Last night in our church group time we talked about how we try to be like other people and fit in and how hard it is to be different sometimes.
Time to go...
Thanks again for your prayers,
As I"m writing this, Jeff, Joshua and Jesse and helping to prepare breakfast for us. The are part of the "singles" crew. Each crew was given a name. Each name is a single word that corresponds to a T-Shirt being sold later in the week by an organization called "youth enterprise." The t-shirts have one word on the front and a coordinating Bible passage on the back. My group is called the "Haters" and consists of Madelyn, Lauren, TJ, Jessica and Caitlin. We will join with 4 other girls and another adult from a church from Haslett. Jeff's group is called the "singles" and includes Josh and Jesse. They will join 2 other churches, one from Minnesota and one from somewhere else in Michigan (I can't think of where...) Anne's group is called the "Losers" and includes Billy and Drew. They will also be joined with two other churches. We are all excited to begin our day today. Later this afternoon I"ll post about our ministry projects.
The theme this week in Sault Ste Marie is talking about being different -- not conforming to the ways of the world, loving your enemies and emulating Jesus. Last night in our church group time we talked about how we try to be like other people and fit in and how hard it is to be different sometimes.
Time to go...
Thanks again for your prayers,
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