OK, now I'm beginning to wonder why I promised to blog every night! It's almost 11:30 again, and we just had lights out. I'd love to sleep, but I really do want to tell you about our day today.
These kids are amazing. We worked really hard today. Instead of working with our "car" teams, we were asked to stay with our churches again today. We were sent over to work with an organization called the Greening of Detroit. We helped clear debris and rocks from several plots on Mt. Olivet Street near Van Dyke and McNichols. The kids found some very interesting things, rusted cans, old tennis balls, random pieces of metal, and even a rusted old bicycle frame. They worked really hard until lunch. After lunch, we created rows with stakes and string, hoed out trenches for planting seeds, planted seeds and watered. It was amazing to see this lot transformed from full of junk in the morning to planted and ready to begin growing by 3:00. The plots are owned and used by a very interesting woman named Edith Floyd. You'll hear more about her on Sunday when we share our mission trip experience.
It was humid and hot. The sky was threatening a storm right before lunch. At noon, I said it was lunch time and almost as soon as we gathered for lunch on the porch of Ms. Floyd, it started raining. Not too hard, and it stopped before we were ready to go back to work. Great timing... God is Good (All the time) (Something else you'll hear about Sunday.)
I was once again so impressed with the work ethic of the kids that joined me on this trip. They were hot, sweaty , and tired, but they kept pressing on. They were as anxious to see this lot transformed as much as I was. The time for watering the seeds came just at the right moment, we were almost as hot as we thought we could stand, but a few sprays of the cool refreshing hose revived us.
After we finished on M.t Olivet Street we headed over to Belle Isle for a bit (oh, after we stopped for ice cream of course....) We had a beautiful view of the Detroit skyline and the kids joined the kids from Calvary Church at the playscape for a while until we had to go to dinner.
Dinner was at the Second MIle Center. Driving there from Belle Isle was an eye opening experience. We took Jefferson Avenue northeast, through Detroit, then through Gross Pointe, then back to Detroit. The kids were amazed that there was such a drastic and noticeable difference when you left Detroit and came into Gross Pointe.
After dinner some youth from the second mile center performed a liturgical dance for us. It was very moving. Apparantly they perform this song a lot, at many different places. You cold see their love for Jesus as they performed. Then it was our turn to lead worship. We sang Awesome God (even with the verses, not just the lyrics.) Performed an interpretation of a scripture passage (which is going to be our children's time on Sunday!), read a readers' theater version of the Lord's Prayer, prayed and ended with the song Lord of the Dance. I think they kids did a wonderful job leading worship; praising our wonderful God.
We hurried up during our shower time at the Summit tonight as we heard of tornado and storm watches and warnings. Just to be on the safe side, we had our devotional time in the hallway of the lighthouse area. Diana Noble dropped off ice cream treats earlier for us, and we ended our day with those yummy treats (thanks Diana!)
Speaking of our devotional time... we end each evening reading a scripture passage and asking ourselves some relevant questions. Then we reflect on our day; talk about our experiences, share what we learned or discovered, speak about where we saw God, comment about what we might be concerned about and write down what we will be praying for. Listening to what these kids say they've learned, how they've grown, what they've experienced has been such a joy. They are so full of the spirit. They are so insightful. They are so full of joy and wonder and amazement and hope and willingness to serve and share the love of Jesus Christ that they've received. It's been such a blessing every night for me and listening them share has made all this worthwhile.
We are continually blessed by your prayers for us. Thanks praying for us and for reading this and sharing your comments. I'd like to ask that you also pray for the people of Detroit who have been touching our lives. That we may also have the hope we're seeing in them.
Good night.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
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I so enjoy reading your posts Nancy and thank you for staying up and doing them even though I know you have to be beat and eager to get to sleep yourself. One has to be very proud of our youth and the deligence and faith they have shown on this trip despite the heat.
It has been a blessing to read about your experiences each day. Thanks, Nancy, for your leadership and commitment to the group. It has brought me to tears when I have read what you've posted about our kids and the experiences you all have had with the people of Detroit. I can't wait to hear more on Sunday!
I continue to enjoy the stories of the adventures you are having. I look forward to seeing all of you tonight and hearing the stories first hand.
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