Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Looking ahead, getting excited

This week I finished working on the plans for the Mid High Ministries for the fall . What does this mean you ask? Well, I figured out what we're going to do on Wednesday nights at LifeStream (it's all about Jesus for the first session); what we'll talk about and do during Breakfast Club on Sunday mornings (Truth and Dare..... hmmm); how we'll participate in corporate worship (I'm thinking skit in October); what mission opportunities we'll take (something every month!); and, of course, what fellowship events (fun! fun! fun!)

I've really been working at this much of the summer. I like to find opportunities that will be not just fun but will help you grow in your faith. I've been reading books, and blogs, and articles, and comments about different youth programs. Next week I'll talk about my ideas with the Youth Ministry Team, and then I'll firm some things up. I think you'll like what I have planned. But you know, I'm always open to suggestion.....


Marilyn said...

OHOHOH!!! *Waves hand around enthusiastically* Do you want to check out the book my madre told you about?? *wink wink*

I ♥ Purple!!!! said...

oh this is just soo unfair!!! i'm gonna miss mid highs!!!