Monday, November 17, 2008

God's Hands

Christ has no body now on earth  but yours;
no hands but yours, no feet but yours.
Yours are the eyes through which He looks
with compassion on the world;
yours are the feet from which he walks to do good;
yours are the hands with which He blesses men.
Christ has no body now on earth but yours.

This is an adaptation from a poem by St. Teresa of Avila. I used this poem as the inspiration for my prayer yesterday at the First United Methodist Church in Plymouth when we were preparing and serving breakfast to the homeless guests who are being sheltered there this week. 

23 of us stepped out of our cozy homes at a VERY early hour to wash and cut up fruit, cook sausages bake egg casseroles, arrange pastries and homemade muffins and serve them to about 50 guests. I was in awe of the cheerfulness and attitudes of everyone who was there. I saw God working through the Mid-Highs, the Senior Highs, the parents, siblings and friends who came to help. We truly were God's hands yesterday. The Holy Spirit was right there guiding us all along - helping some of us step out of our comfort zones to speak with strangers,  allowing us to see these people as His children and not people we should fear, and providing the opportunity for us to make a small step in bettering His world. 

I'd love to hear your thoughts on how you were touched yesterday...

Once again, you can view the pictures on the web at 


So what's next for you? In what other ways can you be Christ's body on earth? How else can you see the compassion Christ has for people? How can YOU be Christ's hands and feet?

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