We had a great time at the corn maze. I really thought it was going to pour rain and we were going to get a bad storm, but we stayed dry. When we were driving out there I was praying that the rain would hold off. When we were on the wagon heading toward the maze and the sky was almost pitch black in that direction my prayers got a little harder. Our God is an awesome God and does answer prayers!
Last year when I was at that particular corn maze, the corn was higher and the maze was harder. It still took a little thought though for everyone to get out. I was happy that some teams went in to help other teams find the numbered trees and to help them find their way out.
I was happy that we finished our outing with warm donuts and cider. To me, that's the best part of fall......
If you want to see more pictures, Diana Noble took a whole bunch that she's sharing with us at this website. It's really cool, you can download the pictures and everything!
Oh, since she turned me on to that site, I did the same with the bowling pictures. You can check them out here:
If you have any links to any fun sites, or your YouTube videos or anything like that, let me know and I'll put them on here.
the corn maze was the bestest!!!!!
will you post the fellowship events please?
Check out the side of the Blog!!
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