Monday, December 10, 2012

Great Job!

Hurray!  A big thank you to everyone who helped with baking cookies and manning the bake sale table last weekend. We've kicked off our fundraising efforts for our summer mission trip to Duluth, Minnesota.

We sold out of all our goodies quickly after the 11:00 service and made $285!! Great job everyone! We're on our way!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Nativity Play

I've assigned roles for our Nativity Play that will be performed on December 24th at the 4:00 service. 

Rehearsals are as follows:
Sunday, December 16 between services 10:30-11:00
Sunday, December 23 between services 10:30 - 11:00 and dress rehearsal/staging after the 11:00 service until about 1:30. 
Monday, December 24 final rehearsal at 3:00 ("performance" at 4:00)

I hope I got everyone who said they wanted to perform this year. If you are not on this list but wish to help out and take a part, please let me know ASAP. If you can't come to a rehearsal, let me know now. 

Beth Stark
Jessica Krone
Nathan Pohl
Drew Degener
Alex Marchand
Amanda Glass
Madelyn Degener
Angels: Caitlin Marchand
Brenna Degener
King Herod:  William Stark
Wise Men: Luke Pohl
Joshua Doering
Louie Stark