Thursday, January 28, 2010

Lock - In

Here's the information about the lock-in:

When is it:
Friday, February 5 at 9:00 PM to Saturday, February 6 at 8:00 AM

What to bring:
a snack to share and drinks for yourself (Energy drinks are NOT allowed)
a sleeping bag, pillow, your bible and a something to write with

We will be working on a mission project for Hope Clinic creating fun bags to give to the kids and bags with personal care items for adults. For the kids' bags, please bring crayons, coloring books, small toys, pencils, activity books - whatever you can think of that a child would like to play with that we can put in a lunch bag sized bag. For the adults' bags, please bring in shampoos, soaps and toiletries in small or sample sizes, toothbrushes, toothpaste, and other personal care items that will fit in lunch bag-sized bags.

What NOT to bring:
cell phones (you won't need them and texting while at a youth event is a no-no)
a bad attitude (we will have fun, but we'll be doing some lessons, too)

Bring a friend! (but make sure they have a permission form)

Our Growing Ministry

15 People at Breakfast Club two weeks ago! 17 kids at Breakfast Club last week! I am in awe of the wonderful way God is bringing middle schoolers to church. I love when I see you interact, listen to each other, share your faith, ask questions, and participate. I truly see the power of God working in each of you.

We've been practicing signing the Lord's Prayer. I have a tentative date for signing the prayer in church. I am hoping to do it on Sunday, March 7. We will practice at Breakfast Club and at LifeStream. However- you can practice at home too! Here's a link to the video I took of Julia signing it. Watch it. Pause it. Practice it. Do it!

I love you guys,


Monday, January 11, 2010

We have a new name! and more pictures!

We have voted! The Geneva middle school youth group is now called G.L.O.W. This can stand for God LIghts Our World or God Lights Our Way or we can make it more active and have it stand for Generating Light in Our World! I guess we might have more voting to do. We'll take a vote on what we want it to say on our new t-shirts this Sunday. I heard lots of support for a firefly as our logo. Any other suggestions?

Let's try to keep referring to our group as G.L.O.W. now, OK? It's going to take a while I think before everyone catches on. The more we use it the easier it will be.

Great turnout everyone for helping the senior highs load up the truck with the donations to Fort Street. We got that entire 17 foot truck filled form top to bottom and front to back in 45 minutes! It would have taken a LOT longer without you. Thanks to everyone who helped, and a special thanks to Billy, who also helped unload the truck on Saturday morning.

Here are some pictures from Friday. Loading up the truck

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Here's a link to the pictures from Christmas Eve
The Christmas Story

Here's a link to the pictures from preparing and serving breakfast at First United Methodist Church in November
Serving those less fortunate

Thanks so much Diana Noble for remembering to bring your camera and especially for taking such awesome pictures!

I'm hoping to get a picture or two from Salvation Army Bell Ringing... stay tuned! Oh, and I'd love it if someone would remind me to bring my camera to our middle school events!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

It's a New Year!

I think when you're a student, all this talk about the new year around this time doesn't make sense. For me, the new year was September, when I was starting a new grade in a new classroom and possibly making new friends. So now that I'm an adult, I do start thinking about the new year on January 1, and thinking about the changes it might bring.

Check out this Taking a Minute by Jason Anderson and hear about what he has to say.