I got an email this week from Youth Leaders Doug Fields and Matt McGill about thankfulness. I really liked the article and wanted to share it with you.
For those of us in America, this is the week where we will devour massive amounts of food in the name of thankfulness. It’s easy to get caught up and distracted by planning, house cleaning, stressful travel, football games, overeating, avoiding certain family members, and shopping--all while pretending to enjoy Aunt Gurdy’s plumb-custard-quiche-ala-nasty. We’re going to explore EIGHT WAYS thankfulness and gratitude can transform our heart from the inside out.
It’s easy to complain and point out problems, no one ever grumbles their way into a better attitude. Fortunately thankfulness can shift our focus to the blessings we’ve received from God. No matter how bad things get, in Jesus there is always reason to be thankful. It’s our responsibility to receive God’s gift and thank him.
Every blessing in our lives is a gift from God and not something we could have created or earned on our own. Everything belongs to God, and the only way we “have” something is because of his generosity. Because of the numerous blessings received, it’s easy for a feeling of entitlement to slowly creep into our lives and darken our hearts. Thankfulness turns on the light and recognizes God as the provider for our needs.
Gratitude recognizes the past work of God in our lives. When we remember God’s faithfulness, we position our hearts to trust him to provide for our future. God has given us everything we’ve needed, and he will continue to give us what we need. Developing the habit of being thankful also creates the capacity to trust God during the lean times.
There’s a lot of pain in this world and sometimes the ugliness is overwhelming and overpowering. Thankfulness doesn’t deny the evil, but it does open the door for joy to enter the scene. Lasting joy is a promise the world makes but can’t deliver, but when we remain in Christ, his joy is a gift for every believer.
It doesn’t take a busy holiday season for our priorities to get out of whack. As youth workers, most us have so much going on that it becomes really easy to major on the minors (issues) and slip into a selfish mode of living. A grateful heart is more open and aware of God’s work in our lives. Being thankful helps us understand what’s REALLY important in the grand scheme of things and moves us beyond the busyness of the moment.
For both of us, the closer we grow to Jesus, the more we realize many of our “needs” are really about our “wants.” No, we’re not too excited to admit this, but this is a reality that we’ve become aware of in our spiritual journey. Thankfulness can turn our hearts into a fertile soil for contentment to grow into full bloom. Learning to be content in every situation is a measure of spiritual maturity. The power of “I WANT” is weakened in the light of “I’M THANKFUL.”
When our desires run wild and unchecked (and aren’t satisfied), the result is envy. Few things can rob one of peace like envy. When it gets really bad, envy also destroys community by morphing into jealousy. This happens when we lose our capacity to be excited for others. This is a particularly deep and dark pit of selfishness. When we’re trapped by envy and jealousy, the only way out is thankfulness for what we do have, and for what others have, too.
We have a lot, not just materially, but also spiritually. When we are thankful for the spiritual gifts we have in Christ, we can’t help but to have greater compassion for those who aren’t in God’s family.
For us, it’s abundantly clear that thankfulness is an essential habit for becoming more like Jesus. What about you? What does thankfulness create in your own heart?
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Monday, November 15, 2010
Wow! Look at all this stuff to look forward to!
Tell your friends, clear your schedules, mark your calendars! Our Geneva Middle School youth group is getting busy!
Have you checked out the list of upcoming events? Here's the rundown of opportunities to sign up for and look forward to.
Sunday, November 21 - Wallyball! we'll stop for lunch then head over to Body Rocks in Livonia to play wallyball (Indoor volleyball) You don't have to be good at this- believe me- you can have a good laugh watching me play! Wear comfy clothes and gym shoes. Cost is $5 per person, plus the cost of your lunch.
Tuesday, November 23 - We're going to the Presbytery of Detroit meeting to talk about our last summer's mission trip and to help lead worship with the other participants. Even if you didn't go on the mission trip last summer, you're welcome to come to this and support us. We're leaving church around 3:15 and we'll be back by 8:30.
Friday or Saturday, November 6/27 we'll ring bells for the Salvation Army. I haven't yet signed up for a time. If there's a specific day or time that DOES NOT work for you, please let me know.
Sunday, November 28, we'll be singing "Thankful" as the gathering song at the 11:00 service.
Saturday, December 4 - Cookie baking! We'll bake cookies at church, you bring dough (or already baked cookies for us to decorate) and we'll bake them up and/or decorate them to sell on Sunday for a youth group fundraiser.
Sunday, December 5 - Bake sale fundraiser at church after and between services. We will see the cookies we made on Saturday (and more if you want to bring some in) to raise funds for our summer 2011 mission trip. Even if you can't go on the mission trip, please support our group!
Sunday, December 12 - Mission Trip meeting after the 11:00 Service. If you are planning on joining us for the mission trip to Sault Ste Marie July 31-Aug 5 you must attend this meeting with your parents (or let me know before if you can't make it.)
Sunday, December 12 - (After the mission trip meeting) Parents go home, kids stay for lunch and Christmas TV show watching. Rudolph, Santa Claus is Coming to Town, The Year Without a Santa Claus, Olive the Other Reindeer... We'll vote and watch a bunch of old Christmas TV show classics!
Wednesday, December 15 - Instead of LifeStream we'll be participating in a special Christmas celebration at church with dinner and crafts and entertainment by the youth! We'll talk more about this soon.
Sunday, December 19 - Our middle school Christmas party! Fun fun fun! What more can I say? (after church)
Friday, December 24 - Christmas Eve! Traditionally, the middle school youth present the Christmas Drama during the 4:00 service. Rehearsal times TBD.
Wednesday, December 29 - Lock in at High Velocity Sports. We'll be joining middle schoolers from First Presbyterian Church in Plymouth and Calvary Baptist Church in canton to stay up all night! Starting around 9:00 PM and lasting until 7:00 AM. There will be games like soccer and dodgeball, and activities and movies and just plain fun. Bring a friend or two to this! We have a minimum number of people to secure this event so I need to know ASAP whether you are thinking about coming, whether you might bring a friend, or whether you know for sure you won't be attending. More information will be forthcoming. At this time the cost per person will be $15.
Whew! That's a lot of stuff to look forward to, sign up for and let me know about! I didn't even mention Sunday morning Breakfast Club or Wednesday night LifeStream!
Blessings to you and feeling blessed by you,
Have you checked out the list of upcoming events? Here's the rundown of opportunities to sign up for and look forward to.
Sunday, November 21 - Wallyball! we'll stop for lunch then head over to Body Rocks in Livonia to play wallyball (Indoor volleyball) You don't have to be good at this- believe me- you can have a good laugh watching me play! Wear comfy clothes and gym shoes. Cost is $5 per person, plus the cost of your lunch.
Tuesday, November 23 - We're going to the Presbytery of Detroit meeting to talk about our last summer's mission trip and to help lead worship with the other participants. Even if you didn't go on the mission trip last summer, you're welcome to come to this and support us. We're leaving church around 3:15 and we'll be back by 8:30.
Friday or Saturday, November 6/27 we'll ring bells for the Salvation Army. I haven't yet signed up for a time. If there's a specific day or time that DOES NOT work for you, please let me know.
Sunday, November 28, we'll be singing "Thankful" as the gathering song at the 11:00 service.
Saturday, December 4 - Cookie baking! We'll bake cookies at church, you bring dough (or already baked cookies for us to decorate) and we'll bake them up and/or decorate them to sell on Sunday for a youth group fundraiser.
Sunday, December 5 - Bake sale fundraiser at church after and between services. We will see the cookies we made on Saturday (and more if you want to bring some in) to raise funds for our summer 2011 mission trip. Even if you can't go on the mission trip, please support our group!
Sunday, December 12 - Mission Trip meeting after the 11:00 Service. If you are planning on joining us for the mission trip to Sault Ste Marie July 31-Aug 5 you must attend this meeting with your parents (or let me know before if you can't make it.)
Sunday, December 12 - (After the mission trip meeting) Parents go home, kids stay for lunch and Christmas TV show watching. Rudolph, Santa Claus is Coming to Town, The Year Without a Santa Claus, Olive the Other Reindeer... We'll vote and watch a bunch of old Christmas TV show classics!
Wednesday, December 15 - Instead of LifeStream we'll be participating in a special Christmas celebration at church with dinner and crafts and entertainment by the youth! We'll talk more about this soon.
Sunday, December 19 - Our middle school Christmas party! Fun fun fun! What more can I say? (after church)
Friday, December 24 - Christmas Eve! Traditionally, the middle school youth present the Christmas Drama during the 4:00 service. Rehearsal times TBD.
Wednesday, December 29 - Lock in at High Velocity Sports. We'll be joining middle schoolers from First Presbyterian Church in Plymouth and Calvary Baptist Church in canton to stay up all night! Starting around 9:00 PM and lasting until 7:00 AM. There will be games like soccer and dodgeball, and activities and movies and just plain fun. Bring a friend or two to this! We have a minimum number of people to secure this event so I need to know ASAP whether you are thinking about coming, whether you might bring a friend, or whether you know for sure you won't be attending. More information will be forthcoming. At this time the cost per person will be $15.
Whew! That's a lot of stuff to look forward to, sign up for and let me know about! I didn't even mention Sunday morning Breakfast Club or Wednesday night LifeStream!
Blessings to you and feeling blessed by you,
Monday, November 1, 2010
Summer MIssion Trip 2011
Mission work can bring life change to youth, a community and the Church. Within a relatively short period of time, your own life and a stranger’s life can be powerfully changed through the desire to give to a community. Your presence during a mission trip speaks more than a thousand words through your simple love and willingness to serve.
While there are countless physical and spiritual needs in communities everywhere from across the country, from big cities to small towns and even close to home, we’ve chose to go to Sault Ste Marie, Michigan for our middle school mission trip this year. Week-long mission trips are a means to visualize needs in other communities and bring that recognition back to serve in your own home. After a week spent in service, you will leave transformed from the love, strength and resilience you find in those you meet. Mission trips are often more life changing and impacting for participants than those you came to serve!
Life-changing experiences happen on a short term mission trip. The week can give you new eyes with which to view your home, working as a vehicle for further change. Please consider joining me this summer, from July 31- August 5 as we work together to show Christ’s love in this Upper Peninsula community.
Mission trips change lives!
While there are countless physical and spiritual needs in communities everywhere from across the country, from big cities to small towns and even close to home, we’ve chose to go to Sault Ste Marie, Michigan for our middle school mission trip this year. Week-long mission trips are a means to visualize needs in other communities and bring that recognition back to serve in your own home. After a week spent in service, you will leave transformed from the love, strength and resilience you find in those you meet. Mission trips are often more life changing and impacting for participants than those you came to serve!
Life-changing experiences happen on a short term mission trip. The week can give you new eyes with which to view your home, working as a vehicle for further change. Please consider joining me this summer, from July 31- August 5 as we work together to show Christ’s love in this Upper Peninsula community.
Mission trips change lives!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Mission Trip 2011
Mission trip information is coming your way! The destination will be announced at LifeStream tonight. Here's a hint....
look up..... way up......
Parents will be getting a letter by the end of the week with more details.
look up..... way up......
Parents will be getting a letter by the end of the week with more details.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Smart Stuff Week 4
Week four of our video series at Breakfast Club based on the Book of Proverbs, was titled “Eeew… Puke.” We talked about how we are foolish when we repeat activities over and over again, even though we know they are wrong.
Proverbs 26:11 (NLT)
As a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool repeats his foolishness.
We need to try to change our bad habits, using God’s help.
Your challenge this week is to take a moment to think about your daily habits. Ready to add a new one to the list? Select one good, healthy habit you’d like to develop. Make it your goal to fully develop this habit over the next 30 days. Put notes in your bathroom, around your bedroom, on your cell phone, and anywhere else that will help you remember to do this new habit—whether it’s reading the Bible or doing your homework right away or exercising daily or whatever else you choose. And after you’ve developed this habit, pick the next good habit to add to your life!
In Christ,
Proverbs 26:11 (NLT)
As a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool repeats his foolishness.
We need to try to change our bad habits, using God’s help.
Your challenge this week is to take a moment to think about your daily habits. Ready to add a new one to the list? Select one good, healthy habit you’d like to develop. Make it your goal to fully develop this habit over the next 30 days. Put notes in your bathroom, around your bedroom, on your cell phone, and anywhere else that will help you remember to do this new habit—whether it’s reading the Bible or doing your homework right away or exercising daily or whatever else you choose. And after you’ve developed this habit, pick the next good habit to add to your life!
In Christ,
Monday, September 27, 2010
Smart Stuff Week 3
We continued our video series at Breakfast Club based on the Book of Proverbs, called Smart Stuff. Today we talked about who we tend to hang around, who do we call our friends? Are they typically people who build us up and make us more like Jesus or less like Jesus?
Proverbs 22:24-25
Don't befriend angry people or associate with hot-tempered people, or you will learn to lie them and endanger your soul.
Since our friends influence the way we speak and act, choose wisely.
Your challenge this week is to take a moment and think about your closest friends. Create a list of how these friendships have helped you become a better person and a more dedicated follower of Jesus. Pick some ways you can "return the favor" this week to two or three friends. Look for real-world ideas that can help your friends grow closer to Jesus - or discover what it means to follow Jesus. And if your friendships seem to be pulling you away from Jesus, pray that God would help you develop healthy friendships with other followers of Christ.
In Christ,
Proverbs 22:24-25
Don't befriend angry people or associate with hot-tempered people, or you will learn to lie them and endanger your soul.
Since our friends influence the way we speak and act, choose wisely.
Your challenge this week is to take a moment and think about your closest friends. Create a list of how these friendships have helped you become a better person and a more dedicated follower of Jesus. Pick some ways you can "return the favor" this week to two or three friends. Look for real-world ideas that can help your friends grow closer to Jesus - or discover what it means to follow Jesus. And if your friendships seem to be pulling you away from Jesus, pray that God would help you develop healthy friendships with other followers of Christ.
In Christ,
Crop Walk

Church World Service works with partners to eradicate hunger and poverty and to promote peace and justice around the world. Together we reach out to neighbors in need near and far--not with a hand out, but a hand up. So, if you’re looking to help build a better world—a world where there’s enough for all—you can do it!
Around the world, Church World Service supports sustainable grassroots development, disaster relief, and refugee assistance, and we educate and advocate on hunger-related issues. In the U.S., they help communities respond to disasters, resettle refugees, promote fair national and international policies, and provide educational resources.
I invite you to join me and other Geneva Youth on Sunday, October 17 for the Plymouth-Canton Crop Walk. I have created a Geneva Youth Team at the Church World Services site. You can sign up to walk and ask people for donations. Sign up here: Crop Walk Search for Geneva Church Youth
I hope you can walk with me!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
October Events and Activities
In an effort to make my weekly emails to you a little shorter I am going to explain some of the upcoming activities and events here. I hope you can add these to your calendar.
Here are the ongoing opportunities for you to come to church and strengthen your relationship with Jesus Christ:
Sundays we meet for Breakfast Club (every week!) from 9:45 to 10:45. For the next 3 weeks I will continue to lead the group in learning about the SMART STUFF God has shown us in Proverbs. On October 24, Stephanie Edgerton will lead the group for a while. Yummy food and relevant discussion takes place during this time.
Wednesdays, beginning September 29, we will have LIfeStream. Our first topic will be 'tough choices.' We will look at the difficult decisions you, as middle school students, have to make in your lives right now. I hope you can join us on Wednesdays to search, question, and join the discussion. We will also be using time on Wednesdays to plan and prepare for our youth-led worship services.
Speaking of Youth-led worship... every 2nd Sunday (starting October 10) the youth will lead worship at 11:00 in the lighthouse area. You are invited to participate, or just come to this age-appropriate worship. Youth will be leading worship with song, prayer, dramas, puppets, messages, and scripture reading.
Fellowship activities are perfect opportunities to bring a friend:
Sunday, October 3 - right after the 11:00 service we'll have lunch in the youth room and watch a movie. Bring your own lunch and sign up on the bulletin board to suggest a movie.
Sunday, October 10 - CORN MAZE! We will head over there after the 11:00 service. They have hotdogs, and chili and stuff like that for lunch. If you don't want that you can bring your own. After we eat there, we'll have fun in the corn maze.
Sunday, October 24 - Bowling! We'll walk over to McDonalds for lunch after the 11:00 service then head over to the SuperBowl for bowling.
Help to be the hands and feet of Jesus at these mission activities:
Sunday, October 17 - Crop Walk in Plymouth. Sign up and get a few pledges to help Church World Services hunger programs. We can go out to lunch before the walk, then all walk together.
Saturday, October 23 - Wayne Family Center dinner. Remember when we helped at the Wayne Family Center this summer? This is a family homeless shelter. They don't have any food provided on the weekends, so we're going to bring dinner and fellowship with the residents.
Saturday October 30 (around 4:00?) - Trick or Trunk (Trunk or Treat?) - Technically, this is a mission activity but you're going to have fun! The children of Geneva are invited to come to church for "trick or treating" from the trunks of members cars who are parked in the parking lot. We (though youth groups) will plan and provide games and activities for the children to do before they go trick or treating. After the kids trick or treat, you can, too!
I hope that I see you at these events. Don't forget to bring a friend!
The complete October calendar is on the bulletin board at church. Let me know if you want a copy in calendar form.
Here are the ongoing opportunities for you to come to church and strengthen your relationship with Jesus Christ:
Sundays we meet for Breakfast Club (every week!) from 9:45 to 10:45. For the next 3 weeks I will continue to lead the group in learning about the SMART STUFF God has shown us in Proverbs. On October 24, Stephanie Edgerton will lead the group for a while. Yummy food and relevant discussion takes place during this time.
Wednesdays, beginning September 29, we will have LIfeStream. Our first topic will be 'tough choices.' We will look at the difficult decisions you, as middle school students, have to make in your lives right now. I hope you can join us on Wednesdays to search, question, and join the discussion. We will also be using time on Wednesdays to plan and prepare for our youth-led worship services.
Speaking of Youth-led worship... every 2nd Sunday (starting October 10) the youth will lead worship at 11:00 in the lighthouse area. You are invited to participate, or just come to this age-appropriate worship. Youth will be leading worship with song, prayer, dramas, puppets, messages, and scripture reading.
Fellowship activities are perfect opportunities to bring a friend:
Sunday, October 3 - right after the 11:00 service we'll have lunch in the youth room and watch a movie. Bring your own lunch and sign up on the bulletin board to suggest a movie.
Sunday, October 10 - CORN MAZE! We will head over there after the 11:00 service. They have hotdogs, and chili and stuff like that for lunch. If you don't want that you can bring your own. After we eat there, we'll have fun in the corn maze.
Sunday, October 24 - Bowling! We'll walk over to McDonalds for lunch after the 11:00 service then head over to the SuperBowl for bowling.
Help to be the hands and feet of Jesus at these mission activities:
Sunday, October 17 - Crop Walk in Plymouth. Sign up and get a few pledges to help Church World Services hunger programs. We can go out to lunch before the walk, then all walk together.
Saturday, October 23 - Wayne Family Center dinner. Remember when we helped at the Wayne Family Center this summer? This is a family homeless shelter. They don't have any food provided on the weekends, so we're going to bring dinner and fellowship with the residents.
Saturday October 30 (around 4:00?) - Trick or Trunk (Trunk or Treat?) - Technically, this is a mission activity but you're going to have fun! The children of Geneva are invited to come to church for "trick or treating" from the trunks of members cars who are parked in the parking lot. We (though youth groups) will plan and provide games and activities for the children to do before they go trick or treating. After the kids trick or treat, you can, too!
I hope that I see you at these events. Don't forget to bring a friend!
The complete October calendar is on the bulletin board at church. Let me know if you want a copy in calendar form.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Smart Stuff Week 2
We continued our video series at Breakfast Club based on the Book of Proverbs, called Smart Stuff. Today we talked about how our words can hurt other people whether we are talking to them specifically or even about them (like gossip.)
Proverbs 25:18 (NLT)
Telling lies about others is as harmful as hitting them with an ax, wounding them with a sword, or shooting them with a sharp arrow.
One of the best strategies for stopping negative talk in our lives is to intentionally use positive, encouraging words.
Your challenge this week:
Choose three people—family members, friends, or classmates—and find a way to communicate something positive to them this week. Send a text, write a letter, post a comment online, or express your thoughts verbally. See how your words impact those people’s lives, and consider making it a habit to say or write something encouraging to at least one person each day.
Proverbs 25:18 (NLT)
Telling lies about others is as harmful as hitting them with an ax, wounding them with a sword, or shooting them with a sharp arrow.
One of the best strategies for stopping negative talk in our lives is to intentionally use positive, encouraging words.
Your challenge this week:
Choose three people—family members, friends, or classmates—and find a way to communicate something positive to them this week. Send a text, write a letter, post a comment online, or express your thoughts verbally. See how your words impact those people’s lives, and consider making it a habit to say or write something encouraging to at least one person each day.
Monday, September 13, 2010
God's Way is the Best Way
Yesterday we started our 5-week video series at Breakfast Club based on the Book of Proverbs, the series is called Smart Stuff. We talked about how God wants the best for us, and that we should listen to him. We learned that the book of Proverbs are wonderful tidbits of wisdom from God.
Proverbs 1:1-3 (NLT)
These are the proverbs of Solomon, David’s son, king of Israel. Their purpose is to teach people wisdom and discipline, to help them understand the insights of the wise. Their purpose is to teach people to live disciplined and successful lives, to help them do what is right, just, and fair.
We need to read and understand, but we also have to use what we know to live!
Your challenge this week:
Think about one area of your life where you sense God would like to see some changes. It might be something big, or it could simply be an area where you need to take some small acts of obedience. Write down two or three steps you can take this week to grow in this area. Share those steps with a friend who can help you remain accountable.
I'll check in with you next Sunday to see how you did...
Proverbs 1:1-3 (NLT)
These are the proverbs of Solomon, David’s son, king of Israel. Their purpose is to teach people wisdom and discipline, to help them understand the insights of the wise. Their purpose is to teach people to live disciplined and successful lives, to help them do what is right, just, and fair.
We need to read and understand, but we also have to use what we know to live!
Your challenge this week:
Think about one area of your life where you sense God would like to see some changes. It might be something big, or it could simply be an area where you need to take some small acts of obedience. Write down two or three steps you can take this week to grow in this area. Share those steps with a friend who can help you remain accountable.
I'll check in with you next Sunday to see how you did...
Monday, August 16, 2010
Gearing up for a new year
Hey everyone,
I use this blog to write about events, information, thoughts and ideas about the middle school ministry at geneva Church. I encourage you to share your ideas and thoughts and questions with me here in the comments section or in person. Check back often!
I'm making plans for middle school ministry. I'm excited about journeying together as we get to know more about Jesus Christ and each other and the church. I've got a few events listed (on the right) and I'll be adding more. Some events will just be the middle school and some events will be with the high schoolers *they aren't scary!). I'll have a sign up for Breakfast Club on the middle school bulletin board at church, or you can email me and tell me when you want to bring food.
See you at church,
I use this blog to write about events, information, thoughts and ideas about the middle school ministry at geneva Church. I encourage you to share your ideas and thoughts and questions with me here in the comments section or in person. Check back often!
I'm making plans for middle school ministry. I'm excited about journeying together as we get to know more about Jesus Christ and each other and the church. I've got a few events listed (on the right) and I'll be adding more. Some events will just be the middle school and some events will be with the high schoolers *they aren't scary!). I'll have a sign up for Breakfast Club on the middle school bulletin board at church, or you can email me and tell me when you want to bring food.
See you at church,
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Detroit Day Five and Final Reflections
We're back!
Our final day in Detroit was filled with laughter and tears, joy and sadness. We are tired, and yet also feel revived. We woke up this morning, packed up our stuff and cleaned up the areas of the church we were using. I was happy that Keith McBain, our property elder had spent the night with us, so he could get the cleaning supplies ready for us. at was definitely good scheduling! After a brief stop at Starbucks for coffee (just for the adults) we were headed downtown to have breakfast served at Fort Street.
After breakfast, we set up for a special closing worship service. The service was lead by the Youth from the Presbytery of Detroit (POD), the church from Indiana and us. We praised God, sang, read scripture and listened to a message by one of the youth from Calvary Church. The kids from Geneva acted out the story of the Good Samaritan. It was a wonderful way to end our week together - worshipping and praising the Lord that opened our eyes this week and gave us this wonderful opportunity to serve Him through the people of Detroit.
After many group pictures and good byes we walked over to my favorite downtown Detroit restaurant, Lafayette Coney Island and ate lunch. It was a beautiful day to walk the streets of Detroit once again. On the way back we saw a few people in need, not too far from Fort Street. We were able to hand out our last two sack lunches! What a joy that was.
We spent a few hours after lunch at the Detroit Science Center. We were very happy to be able to see our friend, Rick Russell, who helps a lot with Geneva Middle School Ministry and also works at the Science Center. We had lots of fun together laughing at Marilyn's hair sticking up with electricity (though it was NOT much fun when she shocked me!!)
When we came back to Geneva we gathered together, read from scripture the story of Jesus washing the feet of his disciples and we had a foot washing/prayer ceremony. This ceremony is very emotional for many of us. We have time to reflect about the love of Jesus Christ, the joy of being a servant and what it means to serve Jesus through serving others. This was a great way to end our week together.
I had a fantastic week. Watching the youth and adults working together, seeing the joy on everyone's face, being open to wherever God was leading them this week renewed my heart. Our kids, and the youth from Indiana and the POD brought a little bit of hope to Detroit this week. More importantly, Detroit brought hope to them. In this desolate, violent, poor, blighted city, we saw joy, and laughter, and love and giving spirits.
Our youth once again blew me away with their spirit and willingness to help (except some of the 'not-so-morning people had a little harder time....) They never backed away from a challenge. They never complained about the hard work, they never complained about who they were working alongside. They did everything with joy and compassion. It was such a pleasure to see the attitudes of these young people. They pushed themselves way past their comfort zones and did more than they possibly thought they could. Speaking and praying with strangers, 'farming' for hours on end in the hot sun, leading worship, and seeing God in EVERYONE they met.
I'm very happy we chose to do our mission trip to Detroit this year. I am especially excited because we've made connections and friends with people we can see and serve and be with again, not just for a week every few summers. We can see what impact we have made in the community garden when we go back to harvest it. We can catch up with the friends we met eating at the soup kitchen, and we can work alongside and fellowship with our new friends from the churches in Detroit. We can serve this city again and again and again.
We thought we we would find sadness and down-filled spirits. We thought we'd see a city falling apart, losing hope and with no future. Instead, we met people who were proud of their city, who were working to help make it a better place through shelters, community gardens, youth programs, domestic violence programs, educational programs and hunger programs. We understand that with enough hope, with the help of God, with the commitment of God's people working together, the city of Detroit can have a future. It's going to take some time, and I hope we can continue to be a part of Detroit's future.
Thanks for praying for us and blessing us with your support for this trip. We hope that next time you can join us!
Once again, good night.
Our final day in Detroit was filled with laughter and tears, joy and sadness. We are tired, and yet also feel revived. We woke up this morning, packed up our stuff and cleaned up the areas of the church we were using. I was happy that Keith McBain, our property elder had spent the night with us, so he could get the cleaning supplies ready for us. at was definitely good scheduling! After a brief stop at Starbucks for coffee (just for the adults) we were headed downtown to have breakfast served at Fort Street.
After breakfast, we set up for a special closing worship service. The service was lead by the Youth from the Presbytery of Detroit (POD), the church from Indiana and us. We praised God, sang, read scripture and listened to a message by one of the youth from Calvary Church. The kids from Geneva acted out the story of the Good Samaritan. It was a wonderful way to end our week together - worshipping and praising the Lord that opened our eyes this week and gave us this wonderful opportunity to serve Him through the people of Detroit.
After many group pictures and good byes we walked over to my favorite downtown Detroit restaurant, Lafayette Coney Island and ate lunch. It was a beautiful day to walk the streets of Detroit once again. On the way back we saw a few people in need, not too far from Fort Street. We were able to hand out our last two sack lunches! What a joy that was.
We spent a few hours after lunch at the Detroit Science Center. We were very happy to be able to see our friend, Rick Russell, who helps a lot with Geneva Middle School Ministry and also works at the Science Center. We had lots of fun together laughing at Marilyn's hair sticking up with electricity (though it was NOT much fun when she shocked me!!)
When we came back to Geneva we gathered together, read from scripture the story of Jesus washing the feet of his disciples and we had a foot washing/prayer ceremony. This ceremony is very emotional for many of us. We have time to reflect about the love of Jesus Christ, the joy of being a servant and what it means to serve Jesus through serving others. This was a great way to end our week together.
I had a fantastic week. Watching the youth and adults working together, seeing the joy on everyone's face, being open to wherever God was leading them this week renewed my heart. Our kids, and the youth from Indiana and the POD brought a little bit of hope to Detroit this week. More importantly, Detroit brought hope to them. In this desolate, violent, poor, blighted city, we saw joy, and laughter, and love and giving spirits.
Our youth once again blew me away with their spirit and willingness to help (except some of the 'not-so-morning people had a little harder time....) They never backed away from a challenge. They never complained about the hard work, they never complained about who they were working alongside. They did everything with joy and compassion. It was such a pleasure to see the attitudes of these young people. They pushed themselves way past their comfort zones and did more than they possibly thought they could. Speaking and praying with strangers, 'farming' for hours on end in the hot sun, leading worship, and seeing God in EVERYONE they met.
I'm very happy we chose to do our mission trip to Detroit this year. I am especially excited because we've made connections and friends with people we can see and serve and be with again, not just for a week every few summers. We can see what impact we have made in the community garden when we go back to harvest it. We can catch up with the friends we met eating at the soup kitchen, and we can work alongside and fellowship with our new friends from the churches in Detroit. We can serve this city again and again and again.
We thought we we would find sadness and down-filled spirits. We thought we'd see a city falling apart, losing hope and with no future. Instead, we met people who were proud of their city, who were working to help make it a better place through shelters, community gardens, youth programs, domestic violence programs, educational programs and hunger programs. We understand that with enough hope, with the help of God, with the commitment of God's people working together, the city of Detroit can have a future. It's going to take some time, and I hope we can continue to be a part of Detroit's future.
Thanks for praying for us and blessing us with your support for this trip. We hope that next time you can join us!
Once again, good night.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Detroit Day Four
It was another amazing day in "The D." Our kids had so many different experiences today showing God's love and being the hands and feet of Jesus. (Their words during our reflection/devotional time.)
As you remember, on Tuesday, we participated in the sandwich ministry through Riverside Church out of ETS. This morning, after ate our breakfasts and made lunch for the day, we used all the leftover bread, tortillas and bagels to make sandwiches and we packed lunch bags with sandwiches, chips, peanuts, cookies, fruit and any other food we had leftover. We ended up making about 28 more small sack lunches. We divided them up into cars so we could hand them out to hungry people that we met today. Even before we got to Fort Street this morning we got to hand a sack lunch to someone. They were very grateful. The kids were super excited that someone actually accepted their offering of food.
After our morning meeting at Fort Street we all went back to Gratiot Avenue Church. There we were given our assignments for the day. Don and Debbie and their team stayed at Gratiot Ave. Church and helped spruce the place up. They cleaned pews, did lots of yard work, helped clear out ancient hymnals and made the place look great. They were surprised that the church members that they met were so proud of their little church. This group worked hard helping to make the church shine. Once their work was finished at the church, they went to one of the members' homes and helped spruce that place up as well.
My group went to go work in another one of the Detroit Rescue Mission sites. This one was a facility for men on Woodward in HIghland Park. Drew and Breana, along with two Calvary Church youth helped to serve lunch to over 75 people. Travis, along with another Calvary youth work in the back of the kitchen preparing potatoes for dinner. Billy and Josh stayed out front greeting the people, helping to clear their dishes, offering more water and just fellowshipping with them. One of the staffers, James, who assigned the jobs, told me they would love to have us back at any of the DRM sites. He said this particular site serves 10,000 meals a year (breakfast lunch and dinner every day.) I think all the kids understood the reward of serving those less fortunate. I can't wait to go back.
After our lunch service, my group headed over to an organization called The Hub of Detroit on Cass Avenue. This is a place that restores bikes and either sells them or gives them away. Even with little or no experience with fixing bikes, we definitely got our hands very dirty and actually fixed a few donated bikes.
To and from all of our ministry sites today we saw people in need. We were so happy that we had made all those extra lunches that we could hand out. I know in my car the kids would yell out, "Stop, there's someone who could use a lunch!" and I'd pull over so they could run out and say hello and offer a sandwich and sometimes a prayer. We met many many kind individuals today that we are praying for tonight.
Around 3:30, our group met back up at Fort Street, where we were going to eat dinner. Since we had some time, we walked past Cobo Hall to Hart Plaza, then all the way down the riverwalk to the carousel at the end. We had a few sack lunches left and tried hard to hand them out. We met some very interesting people as we were handing out our lunches. You might just hear about them Sunday, if not, you'll have to ask some of the kids (especially Jessica, she has a great story!) Also along the way we stopped and played in the fountains behind the Renaissance Center. At first the kids said they didn't want to get wet, but they were hot and the water looked so inviting..... next thing I knew.... Madeline was soaked (and proud of it!) It really cooled them off and they had fun playing.
Dinner at Fort Street was a little different than we've been experiencing this week. This week in Detroit there is an event going on called the US Social Forum. A Youth group from Minnesota joined us for dinner as well as a group from the Presbyterian Hunger program that has been on a journey called Heaven on Earth. They have been on a road trip that has encompassed 8 states, starting in Louisville and ending at the US Social Forum here in Detroit. So we had lots of extra people at dinner, plus, we ate dinner where they serve people at the Open Door Ministries, so that was cool.
After dinner, we had worship lead by some youth from Fort Street Church. I was sitting at the table with them at dinner and discovered one of the youth was from Plymouth and goes to Salem High School! We've been having lots of experiences like that this week. We keep running into people we know, or who have one or two degrees of separation. We are finding that we really are all connected, no mater where we are. After worship we heard form the Louisville group who spoke to us about their road trip, and their passion for using local food whenever possible and food justice projects. It was very interesting and we were invited to think about where our food comes from and who might be involved in that process.
The rest of the evening was showers, and longer sharing and reflecting during our devotional time since we are finished with the service portion of our week. We also prepared for our part of the worship service tomorrow morning at Fort Street and by the time that ended it was just about time for lights out!
Tomorrow we all meet at Fort Street for breakfast and then we will have a worship and closing service together. Our plan is to eat lunch downtown and go to the Detroit Science Center before we come back to Geneva for our own wrap up and closing ceremony.
I'll write one last blog tomorrow night (hopefully not at midnight, like it is now.) Until then, good night.
As you remember, on Tuesday, we participated in the sandwich ministry through Riverside Church out of ETS. This morning, after ate our breakfasts and made lunch for the day, we used all the leftover bread, tortillas and bagels to make sandwiches and we packed lunch bags with sandwiches, chips, peanuts, cookies, fruit and any other food we had leftover. We ended up making about 28 more small sack lunches. We divided them up into cars so we could hand them out to hungry people that we met today. Even before we got to Fort Street this morning we got to hand a sack lunch to someone. They were very grateful. The kids were super excited that someone actually accepted their offering of food.
After our morning meeting at Fort Street we all went back to Gratiot Avenue Church. There we were given our assignments for the day. Don and Debbie and their team stayed at Gratiot Ave. Church and helped spruce the place up. They cleaned pews, did lots of yard work, helped clear out ancient hymnals and made the place look great. They were surprised that the church members that they met were so proud of their little church. This group worked hard helping to make the church shine. Once their work was finished at the church, they went to one of the members' homes and helped spruce that place up as well.
My group went to go work in another one of the Detroit Rescue Mission sites. This one was a facility for men on Woodward in HIghland Park. Drew and Breana, along with two Calvary Church youth helped to serve lunch to over 75 people. Travis, along with another Calvary youth work in the back of the kitchen preparing potatoes for dinner. Billy and Josh stayed out front greeting the people, helping to clear their dishes, offering more water and just fellowshipping with them. One of the staffers, James, who assigned the jobs, told me they would love to have us back at any of the DRM sites. He said this particular site serves 10,000 meals a year (breakfast lunch and dinner every day.) I think all the kids understood the reward of serving those less fortunate. I can't wait to go back.
After our lunch service, my group headed over to an organization called The Hub of Detroit on Cass Avenue. This is a place that restores bikes and either sells them or gives them away. Even with little or no experience with fixing bikes, we definitely got our hands very dirty and actually fixed a few donated bikes.
To and from all of our ministry sites today we saw people in need. We were so happy that we had made all those extra lunches that we could hand out. I know in my car the kids would yell out, "Stop, there's someone who could use a lunch!" and I'd pull over so they could run out and say hello and offer a sandwich and sometimes a prayer. We met many many kind individuals today that we are praying for tonight.
Around 3:30, our group met back up at Fort Street, where we were going to eat dinner. Since we had some time, we walked past Cobo Hall to Hart Plaza, then all the way down the riverwalk to the carousel at the end. We had a few sack lunches left and tried hard to hand them out. We met some very interesting people as we were handing out our lunches. You might just hear about them Sunday, if not, you'll have to ask some of the kids (especially Jessica, she has a great story!) Also along the way we stopped and played in the fountains behind the Renaissance Center. At first the kids said they didn't want to get wet, but they were hot and the water looked so inviting..... next thing I knew.... Madeline was soaked (and proud of it!) It really cooled them off and they had fun playing.
Dinner at Fort Street was a little different than we've been experiencing this week. This week in Detroit there is an event going on called the US Social Forum. A Youth group from Minnesota joined us for dinner as well as a group from the Presbyterian Hunger program that has been on a journey called Heaven on Earth. They have been on a road trip that has encompassed 8 states, starting in Louisville and ending at the US Social Forum here in Detroit. So we had lots of extra people at dinner, plus, we ate dinner where they serve people at the Open Door Ministries, so that was cool.
After dinner, we had worship lead by some youth from Fort Street Church. I was sitting at the table with them at dinner and discovered one of the youth was from Plymouth and goes to Salem High School! We've been having lots of experiences like that this week. We keep running into people we know, or who have one or two degrees of separation. We are finding that we really are all connected, no mater where we are. After worship we heard form the Louisville group who spoke to us about their road trip, and their passion for using local food whenever possible and food justice projects. It was very interesting and we were invited to think about where our food comes from and who might be involved in that process.
The rest of the evening was showers, and longer sharing and reflecting during our devotional time since we are finished with the service portion of our week. We also prepared for our part of the worship service tomorrow morning at Fort Street and by the time that ended it was just about time for lights out!
Tomorrow we all meet at Fort Street for breakfast and then we will have a worship and closing service together. Our plan is to eat lunch downtown and go to the Detroit Science Center before we come back to Geneva for our own wrap up and closing ceremony.
I'll write one last blog tomorrow night (hopefully not at midnight, like it is now.) Until then, good night.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Detroit Day Three
OK, now I'm beginning to wonder why I promised to blog every night! It's almost 11:30 again, and we just had lights out. I'd love to sleep, but I really do want to tell you about our day today.
These kids are amazing. We worked really hard today. Instead of working with our "car" teams, we were asked to stay with our churches again today. We were sent over to work with an organization called the Greening of Detroit. We helped clear debris and rocks from several plots on Mt. Olivet Street near Van Dyke and McNichols. The kids found some very interesting things, rusted cans, old tennis balls, random pieces of metal, and even a rusted old bicycle frame. They worked really hard until lunch. After lunch, we created rows with stakes and string, hoed out trenches for planting seeds, planted seeds and watered. It was amazing to see this lot transformed from full of junk in the morning to planted and ready to begin growing by 3:00. The plots are owned and used by a very interesting woman named Edith Floyd. You'll hear more about her on Sunday when we share our mission trip experience.
It was humid and hot. The sky was threatening a storm right before lunch. At noon, I said it was lunch time and almost as soon as we gathered for lunch on the porch of Ms. Floyd, it started raining. Not too hard, and it stopped before we were ready to go back to work. Great timing... God is Good (All the time) (Something else you'll hear about Sunday.)
I was once again so impressed with the work ethic of the kids that joined me on this trip. They were hot, sweaty , and tired, but they kept pressing on. They were as anxious to see this lot transformed as much as I was. The time for watering the seeds came just at the right moment, we were almost as hot as we thought we could stand, but a few sprays of the cool refreshing hose revived us.
After we finished on M.t Olivet Street we headed over to Belle Isle for a bit (oh, after we stopped for ice cream of course....) We had a beautiful view of the Detroit skyline and the kids joined the kids from Calvary Church at the playscape for a while until we had to go to dinner.
Dinner was at the Second MIle Center. Driving there from Belle Isle was an eye opening experience. We took Jefferson Avenue northeast, through Detroit, then through Gross Pointe, then back to Detroit. The kids were amazed that there was such a drastic and noticeable difference when you left Detroit and came into Gross Pointe.
After dinner some youth from the second mile center performed a liturgical dance for us. It was very moving. Apparantly they perform this song a lot, at many different places. You cold see their love for Jesus as they performed. Then it was our turn to lead worship. We sang Awesome God (even with the verses, not just the lyrics.) Performed an interpretation of a scripture passage (which is going to be our children's time on Sunday!), read a readers' theater version of the Lord's Prayer, prayed and ended with the song Lord of the Dance. I think they kids did a wonderful job leading worship; praising our wonderful God.
We hurried up during our shower time at the Summit tonight as we heard of tornado and storm watches and warnings. Just to be on the safe side, we had our devotional time in the hallway of the lighthouse area. Diana Noble dropped off ice cream treats earlier for us, and we ended our day with those yummy treats (thanks Diana!)
Speaking of our devotional time... we end each evening reading a scripture passage and asking ourselves some relevant questions. Then we reflect on our day; talk about our experiences, share what we learned or discovered, speak about where we saw God, comment about what we might be concerned about and write down what we will be praying for. Listening to what these kids say they've learned, how they've grown, what they've experienced has been such a joy. They are so full of the spirit. They are so insightful. They are so full of joy and wonder and amazement and hope and willingness to serve and share the love of Jesus Christ that they've received. It's been such a blessing every night for me and listening them share has made all this worthwhile.
We are continually blessed by your prayers for us. Thanks praying for us and for reading this and sharing your comments. I'd like to ask that you also pray for the people of Detroit who have been touching our lives. That we may also have the hope we're seeing in them.
Good night.
These kids are amazing. We worked really hard today. Instead of working with our "car" teams, we were asked to stay with our churches again today. We were sent over to work with an organization called the Greening of Detroit. We helped clear debris and rocks from several plots on Mt. Olivet Street near Van Dyke and McNichols. The kids found some very interesting things, rusted cans, old tennis balls, random pieces of metal, and even a rusted old bicycle frame. They worked really hard until lunch. After lunch, we created rows with stakes and string, hoed out trenches for planting seeds, planted seeds and watered. It was amazing to see this lot transformed from full of junk in the morning to planted and ready to begin growing by 3:00. The plots are owned and used by a very interesting woman named Edith Floyd. You'll hear more about her on Sunday when we share our mission trip experience.
It was humid and hot. The sky was threatening a storm right before lunch. At noon, I said it was lunch time and almost as soon as we gathered for lunch on the porch of Ms. Floyd, it started raining. Not too hard, and it stopped before we were ready to go back to work. Great timing... God is Good (All the time) (Something else you'll hear about Sunday.)
I was once again so impressed with the work ethic of the kids that joined me on this trip. They were hot, sweaty , and tired, but they kept pressing on. They were as anxious to see this lot transformed as much as I was. The time for watering the seeds came just at the right moment, we were almost as hot as we thought we could stand, but a few sprays of the cool refreshing hose revived us.
After we finished on M.t Olivet Street we headed over to Belle Isle for a bit (oh, after we stopped for ice cream of course....) We had a beautiful view of the Detroit skyline and the kids joined the kids from Calvary Church at the playscape for a while until we had to go to dinner.
Dinner was at the Second MIle Center. Driving there from Belle Isle was an eye opening experience. We took Jefferson Avenue northeast, through Detroit, then through Gross Pointe, then back to Detroit. The kids were amazed that there was such a drastic and noticeable difference when you left Detroit and came into Gross Pointe.
After dinner some youth from the second mile center performed a liturgical dance for us. It was very moving. Apparantly they perform this song a lot, at many different places. You cold see their love for Jesus as they performed. Then it was our turn to lead worship. We sang Awesome God (even with the verses, not just the lyrics.) Performed an interpretation of a scripture passage (which is going to be our children's time on Sunday!), read a readers' theater version of the Lord's Prayer, prayed and ended with the song Lord of the Dance. I think they kids did a wonderful job leading worship; praising our wonderful God.
We hurried up during our shower time at the Summit tonight as we heard of tornado and storm watches and warnings. Just to be on the safe side, we had our devotional time in the hallway of the lighthouse area. Diana Noble dropped off ice cream treats earlier for us, and we ended our day with those yummy treats (thanks Diana!)
Speaking of our devotional time... we end each evening reading a scripture passage and asking ourselves some relevant questions. Then we reflect on our day; talk about our experiences, share what we learned or discovered, speak about where we saw God, comment about what we might be concerned about and write down what we will be praying for. Listening to what these kids say they've learned, how they've grown, what they've experienced has been such a joy. They are so full of the spirit. They are so insightful. They are so full of joy and wonder and amazement and hope and willingness to serve and share the love of Jesus Christ that they've received. It's been such a blessing every night for me and listening them share has made all this worthwhile.
We are continually blessed by your prayers for us. Thanks praying for us and for reading this and sharing your comments. I'd like to ask that you also pray for the people of Detroit who have been touching our lives. That we may also have the hope we're seeing in them.
Good night.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Detroit Day Two
OK, it's 11:30 when I finally have some free time to write this. We just had lights out. I'm going to make this short today since it's so late.... We had a busy, fun, challenging, god-filled, awesome, amazing Detroit day. I could jus stop there but I'm sure you want some details.
This morning we met at Fort Street Presbyterian Church. We were welcomed by the pastor, Rev. Sharon Mook. She told us a little bit about the history of Fort Street and and the church today and it's missions. We then all left to go to Gratiot Avenue Church> We learned about it's history and we had a little bit of time to clean up debris and trash on the property and start digging for a flower garden before we needed to leave.
From Gratiot Avenue, Our group from Geneva and the youth from the Presbytery of Detroit went to the First Congregational Church where they have an Underground Railroad living museum. At this museum experience we were taken on a journey to freedom from slavery. It was very eye opening to all of us.
We travelled back to ETS (where we started our scavenger hunt yesterday) and ate lunch, then we got a tour of that building. I told the kids from Geneva that we've had at least 3 people I know from our church attend the seminary there, and we have someone (Meg!) starting there in the fall. ETS houses a new church development called Riverside church that has a sandwich ministry. Here's where our challenge came. We were asked to bring sack lunch out in to the streets, introduce ourselves to people and offer them a lunch! Complete strangers! We left in small groups of three or four. It was an amazing experience. Once of our youth commented that it was way out of her comfort zone to go up to strangers like that, but it was extremely rewarding. We also asked people if we could pray for them, and asked if there was anything specific we could pray about. That, too was amazing. Several of the people we met actually asked if they could pray for us! ONce again I was so impressed that our youth walked right up to people, introduced themselves and offered food and prayer. They explained to people that they wanted to share the love of Jesus Christ with them, and they sure did!
We had some time before dinner after we finished passing out all the sandwiches, so I tool our group to Heidelberg Street near Mt. Elliot. That's where there is an outdoor art exhibit by artist Tyree GUyton. It's very difficut to explain what this is.... here's a link, but I also encourage you to ask the youth when you see them what they thought.
Dinner was at Calvary Presbyterian Church which was special to us in two ways: It is the church where Billy's dad attended when he was growing up (It was known as Montieth then) and it is also the church where Beth Delaney did her internship. Beth even came and joined us for dinner!
After dinner worship was led by the group from Indiana. We were asked to lead worship tomorrow night. After our showers, and a stop at Carvel Ice Cream for some extremely yummy treats we came back to church. We had a short devotional and then began preparing for our worship service tomorrow. Whew! We went so late rehearsing they had no free time tonight. I didn't hear too many complaints though.....
Good night all. Keep us in your prayers.
This morning we met at Fort Street Presbyterian Church. We were welcomed by the pastor, Rev. Sharon Mook. She told us a little bit about the history of Fort Street and and the church today and it's missions. We then all left to go to Gratiot Avenue Church> We learned about it's history and we had a little bit of time to clean up debris and trash on the property and start digging for a flower garden before we needed to leave.
From Gratiot Avenue, Our group from Geneva and the youth from the Presbytery of Detroit went to the First Congregational Church where they have an Underground Railroad living museum. At this museum experience we were taken on a journey to freedom from slavery. It was very eye opening to all of us.
We travelled back to ETS (where we started our scavenger hunt yesterday) and ate lunch, then we got a tour of that building. I told the kids from Geneva that we've had at least 3 people I know from our church attend the seminary there, and we have someone (Meg!) starting there in the fall. ETS houses a new church development called Riverside church that has a sandwich ministry. Here's where our challenge came. We were asked to bring sack lunch out in to the streets, introduce ourselves to people and offer them a lunch! Complete strangers! We left in small groups of three or four. It was an amazing experience. Once of our youth commented that it was way out of her comfort zone to go up to strangers like that, but it was extremely rewarding. We also asked people if we could pray for them, and asked if there was anything specific we could pray about. That, too was amazing. Several of the people we met actually asked if they could pray for us! ONce again I was so impressed that our youth walked right up to people, introduced themselves and offered food and prayer. They explained to people that they wanted to share the love of Jesus Christ with them, and they sure did!
We had some time before dinner after we finished passing out all the sandwiches, so I tool our group to Heidelberg Street near Mt. Elliot. That's where there is an outdoor art exhibit by artist Tyree GUyton. It's very difficut to explain what this is.... here's a link, but I also encourage you to ask the youth when you see them what they thought.
Dinner was at Calvary Presbyterian Church which was special to us in two ways: It is the church where Billy's dad attended when he was growing up (It was known as Montieth then) and it is also the church where Beth Delaney did her internship. Beth even came and joined us for dinner!
After dinner worship was led by the group from Indiana. We were asked to lead worship tomorrow night. After our showers, and a stop at Carvel Ice Cream for some extremely yummy treats we came back to church. We had a short devotional and then began preparing for our worship service tomorrow. Whew! We went so late rehearsing they had no free time tonight. I didn't hear too many complaints though.....
Good night all. Keep us in your prayers.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Official Day One
We had a terrific day today. God is good and I see him in every one of the kids I worked with today. I saw him in the people I served and the adults and advisors, too. Our first day in Detroit was great. This morning we started out at Westminster Church for a little orientation about Detroit. Our Geneva group was split into two teams. Josh, Travis, Billy, Breana, Drew and I were called Team Corvette (not our choice....) Marilyn, Amanda, Jessica, Lauren, Madelyn, Don and Debbie were in Team 300 (again, not their choice, each team was given a car name.) (Amanda O was recovering from Pneumonia and didn't join us until tonight.) Team Corvette also consisted of 5 youth and 2 adults from Columbus Indiana. Team 300 was joined by 5 youths from Calvary Presbyterian in Detroit.
Team Corvette went to work at one of the Detroit Rescue MIssion Sites. We sorted food, helped prepare lunch, cleaned the beds and served lunch to about 35 men. I was so impressed with my group. After serving lunch they were right in and sat down with the individuals and started up conversations. I loved seeing our Geneva group set the example of not being afraid to talk to people who are different from us. They commented later that they were surprised at the joy they saw in these people, even though they were in such tough situations. They felt like these people welcomed them into their lives. They were surprised at that and they learned a lot today. Tonight during our "where did you see God today?" discussion many of the kids saw God in the people they served at the shelter.
Team 300 visited Calvary church and helped prepare hygiene kits and baby kits for the people of Haiti. This group had very joyful heats as they did this task. While they had a specific rule to follow for the hygiene kits, they were excited to be able to personalize the baby kits. Tonight during our devotional we talked about the parable of the mustard seed, and how those small acts (seeds) turn into "huge trees."
After lunch we all met up and went on a little scavenger hunt through Detroit. We stopped at several key places and ended up at St John's Presbyterian Church on Lafayette where we were going to have dinner. We had a lot of time to kill before dinner, but this gave our kids the opportunity to fellowship with the kids from Indiana and Detroit who joined us. I love seeing these kids form friendships so fast.
After dinner we had a worship service led by the youth of the Detroit Presbytery, but our Team 300 joined in with a special dance they learned! It was wonderful seeing them up there with the other kids having fun and showing their love of God. We'll be leading the worship service on Thursday I think. The kids are excited to share some of their favorite songs and scripture.
While we didn't stay in Detroit for the fireworks, we came back to Canton and had our own fireworks show in the parking lot. (Thanks, Jeff Doering for keeping us safe and lighting the fireworks so I didn't have to!!)
Hopefully I'll have some time to upload some pictures tomorrow.
Keep praying for us!
It's off to bed now, some of the kids are still excited from the day and looking forward to what tomorrow will bring.
Team Corvette went to work at one of the Detroit Rescue MIssion Sites. We sorted food, helped prepare lunch, cleaned the beds and served lunch to about 35 men. I was so impressed with my group. After serving lunch they were right in and sat down with the individuals and started up conversations. I loved seeing our Geneva group set the example of not being afraid to talk to people who are different from us. They commented later that they were surprised at the joy they saw in these people, even though they were in such tough situations. They felt like these people welcomed them into their lives. They were surprised at that and they learned a lot today. Tonight during our "where did you see God today?" discussion many of the kids saw God in the people they served at the shelter.
Team 300 visited Calvary church and helped prepare hygiene kits and baby kits for the people of Haiti. This group had very joyful heats as they did this task. While they had a specific rule to follow for the hygiene kits, they were excited to be able to personalize the baby kits. Tonight during our devotional we talked about the parable of the mustard seed, and how those small acts (seeds) turn into "huge trees."
After lunch we all met up and went on a little scavenger hunt through Detroit. We stopped at several key places and ended up at St John's Presbyterian Church on Lafayette where we were going to have dinner. We had a lot of time to kill before dinner, but this gave our kids the opportunity to fellowship with the kids from Indiana and Detroit who joined us. I love seeing these kids form friendships so fast.
After dinner we had a worship service led by the youth of the Detroit Presbytery, but our Team 300 joined in with a special dance they learned! It was wonderful seeing them up there with the other kids having fun and showing their love of God. We'll be leading the worship service on Thursday I think. The kids are excited to share some of their favorite songs and scripture.
While we didn't stay in Detroit for the fireworks, we came back to Canton and had our own fireworks show in the parking lot. (Thanks, Jeff Doering for keeping us safe and lighting the fireworks so I didn't have to!!)
Hopefully I'll have some time to upload some pictures tomorrow.
Keep praying for us!
It's off to bed now, some of the kids are still excited from the day and looking forward to what tomorrow will bring.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Canton/Detroit Mission Trip Day One (sort of)
It's Sunday night, everyone's nestled in they sleeping bags. I'm not sure if anyone's asleep yet, they all seemed so excited. We met at the church around 5, get settled in, went over the rules and reviewed the convenant that they all signed. Joining me this week is Don Glass and Debbie Krone and each night a dad is volunteering to come sleep on the floor of the church with the boys and Don.
Around 6:00 we left to head on over to Farmington Hills to eat dinner with some folks there and with the visiting church from Columbus, Indiana. They had just arrived but we ate right away. Pizza and salads and yummy desserts provided by First Farmington.
At first the kids from Geneva all sat at one table together. All I had to do was ask them to go introduce themselves to the people from the other church and they were off. The boys ended up sitting at a table of boys, some girls sat with a table of girls, and some other girls introduced themselves to a full table. I was so proud of our kids setting the example of welcoming, friendliness and hospitality.
After dinner the youth all played a game (led by our kids!) while the adults had a meeting to find out how the week was going to work. I loved looking over and seeing our kids interacting so well with the group from Indiana.
After we came back to church we had a visit by Beth Delaney, who told some history of Detroit and Calvary Church (where we will be eating dinner on Tuesday.) The kids seemed very interested to hear some of Detroit's history, are saddened by racism and can't wait to start doing stuff in the city.
Another game, and reflection/devotion time was followed by some "business." Not much free time at all before lights out (which was late), but we should get enough sleep for a full day tomorrow.
Whew... seems like we've done a lot and we haven't even started "working" yet. I"m looking forward to seeing how God works through these young servants this week.
Keep praying for us this week.
Your sister in Christ,
Around 6:00 we left to head on over to Farmington Hills to eat dinner with some folks there and with the visiting church from Columbus, Indiana. They had just arrived but we ate right away. Pizza and salads and yummy desserts provided by First Farmington.
At first the kids from Geneva all sat at one table together. All I had to do was ask them to go introduce themselves to the people from the other church and they were off. The boys ended up sitting at a table of boys, some girls sat with a table of girls, and some other girls introduced themselves to a full table. I was so proud of our kids setting the example of welcoming, friendliness and hospitality.
After dinner the youth all played a game (led by our kids!) while the adults had a meeting to find out how the week was going to work. I loved looking over and seeing our kids interacting so well with the group from Indiana.
After we came back to church we had a visit by Beth Delaney, who told some history of Detroit and Calvary Church (where we will be eating dinner on Tuesday.) The kids seemed very interested to hear some of Detroit's history, are saddened by racism and can't wait to start doing stuff in the city.
Another game, and reflection/devotion time was followed by some "business." Not much free time at all before lights out (which was late), but we should get enough sleep for a full day tomorrow.
Whew... seems like we've done a lot and we haven't even started "working" yet. I"m looking forward to seeing how God works through these young servants this week.
Keep praying for us this week.
Your sister in Christ,
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Youth Sunday!
We are participating in lots of ways for Youth Sunday, May 16. We will be leading both services along with the senior highs that day. We spent time at the retreat planning and practicing. If you were not at the retreat, we still want you involved!
Here's what we're doing as a group:
~Gathering song - Here I am to Worship - I have the words for this, please find me at church on Sunday and I'll give them to you. Molly will be signing along side our singing.
Here's a link to Here I Am to Worship on Youtube. Check it out. It's got the words and everything!
~Signing the Lord's Prayer - Like we did previously in church, we will be signing the Lord's Prayer after the pastoral prayer.
Here's a link to Julia signing the Lord's Prayer. Please practice!!
~Some people are participating in a skit (Josh and Billy) - please memorize your lines.
~Some people have learned the Lord's Prayer song. If you would also like to sing this, please let me know and I"ll get you the music to practice.
~We need worship leaders - that is people to read scripture and be leaders for responsive readings. There will be several opportunities available but we expect you to practice. Let me know ASAP if you want to help out with this.
Practice times for Youth Sunday -
You must be able to attend practice to participate in Youth Sunday (at least one, but both is preferred)
Sunday, May 9 after the 11 service (Yes, I know this is Mother's Day, I expect practice to take about 45 minutes)
Saturday, May 15 at 4:00. We will conclude practice with pizza!
Here's what we're doing as a group:
~Gathering song - Here I am to Worship - I have the words for this, please find me at church on Sunday and I'll give them to you. Molly will be signing along side our singing.
Here's a link to Here I Am to Worship on Youtube. Check it out. It's got the words and everything!
~Signing the Lord's Prayer - Like we did previously in church, we will be signing the Lord's Prayer after the pastoral prayer.
Here's a link to Julia signing the Lord's Prayer. Please practice!!
~Some people are participating in a skit (Josh and Billy) - please memorize your lines.
~Some people have learned the Lord's Prayer song. If you would also like to sing this, please let me know and I"ll get you the music to practice.
~We need worship leaders - that is people to read scripture and be leaders for responsive readings. There will be several opportunities available but we expect you to practice. Let me know ASAP if you want to help out with this.
Practice times for Youth Sunday -
You must be able to attend practice to participate in Youth Sunday (at least one, but both is preferred)
Sunday, May 9 after the 11 service (Yes, I know this is Mother's Day, I expect practice to take about 45 minutes)
Saturday, May 15 at 4:00. We will conclude practice with pizza!
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Saturday, March 27, 2010
This is it!
All this hard work.... I think this evening's dinner/entertainment/silent auction is going to be the best one yet. So many people to thank...... I'll do that tomorrow. For now. I just pray that nothing seriously goes wrong. It's in God's hands now.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
More gushing about my middle school kids....

It seems I use this blog to either tell you about stuff that's coming up with the middle school G.L.O.W. group, or to gush about them. Today I'm going to gush about them. And the great thing is, they probably don't even know what they did particularly today to make me gush about them.
Here's why....
First, I walked in to Breakfast Club this morning and I see 14 fabulous faces, smiling and talking and enjoying each other's company. Then, I look around the room and see two people occupying one chair that they usually fight over. That was very cool! (Since it's such a big chair with plenty of room for two.) So that made me very happy.
Next, when I started talking about who is going to volunteer to entertain our guests at our fundraising dinner, I got soooo many responses. People I didn't expect volunteered to use their talents to make our evening special. That was EXTRA cool. Other people had said they had actually been PRACTICING their performance ON THEIR OWN, without me having to schedule it!! Super cool!
And finally, Elise and Rick came up to me after leading Breakfast Club this morning and told me what a great group of kids they all were. Of course I already knew that, I keep telling people, but it's so nice to hear unsolicited.
I love my job.
When I was at the Simply Youth Ministry Conference a few weeks ago I had a lot of time to reflect on this Middle School Ministry and everything that makes it so great. Of course, the kids are awesome. They try to include people and not say hurtful things to each other. Yes, they slip sometimes, but I know they try and have loving hearts. I also have terrific adult volunteers; Brian, Diana, Elise and Rick (and ALL the other parents that volunteer to drive, chaperone, bake, bring breakfast, get their kids to church on time.....) are indispensable. I couldn't do any of this without the help and support I get from them. And of course, I have to thank God. He put me in this position (through a few small words from Hannah that said, "Mom, you should apply for that job." And I know He is working through EVERYONE involved in this ministry from the youngest to the oldest.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
A friend of mine posted this as her status on Facebook. I really liked the sentiment and wanted to share it with you.
Happy Lent!
Fast from criticism, feast on praise.
Fast from self-pity, feast on optimism.
Fast from offense, feast on forgiveness.
Fast from pride, feast on humility.
Fast from selfishness, feast on service.
Fast from fear, feast on Faith.
Fast from judgement, feast on compassion.
Walk in Love, and may the joy of the Lord be your strength.
Happy Lent!
Fast from criticism, feast on praise.
Fast from self-pity, feast on optimism.
Fast from offense, feast on forgiveness.
Fast from pride, feast on humility.
Fast from selfishness, feast on service.
Fast from fear, feast on Faith.
Fast from judgement, feast on compassion.
Walk in Love, and may the joy of the Lord be your strength.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Here are some pictures of things we've done.
Ringing Bells at the Salvation Army
Enjoy! You can download pictures from this website if you like.
Ringing Bells at the Salvation Army
Enjoy! You can download pictures from this website if you like.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Lock - In
Here's the information about the lock-in:
When is it:
Friday, February 5 at 9:00 PM to Saturday, February 6 at 8:00 AM
What to bring:
a snack to share and drinks for yourself (Energy drinks are NOT allowed)
a sleeping bag, pillow, your bible and a something to write with
We will be working on a mission project for Hope Clinic creating fun bags to give to the kids and bags with personal care items for adults. For the kids' bags, please bring crayons, coloring books, small toys, pencils, activity books - whatever you can think of that a child would like to play with that we can put in a lunch bag sized bag. For the adults' bags, please bring in shampoos, soaps and toiletries in small or sample sizes, toothbrushes, toothpaste, and other personal care items that will fit in lunch bag-sized bags.
What NOT to bring:
cell phones (you won't need them and texting while at a youth event is a no-no)
a bad attitude (we will have fun, but we'll be doing some lessons, too)
Bring a friend! (but make sure they have a permission form)
When is it:
Friday, February 5 at 9:00 PM to Saturday, February 6 at 8:00 AM
What to bring:
a snack to share and drinks for yourself (Energy drinks are NOT allowed)
a sleeping bag, pillow, your bible and a something to write with
We will be working on a mission project for Hope Clinic creating fun bags to give to the kids and bags with personal care items for adults. For the kids' bags, please bring crayons, coloring books, small toys, pencils, activity books - whatever you can think of that a child would like to play with that we can put in a lunch bag sized bag. For the adults' bags, please bring in shampoos, soaps and toiletries in small or sample sizes, toothbrushes, toothpaste, and other personal care items that will fit in lunch bag-sized bags.
What NOT to bring:
cell phones (you won't need them and texting while at a youth event is a no-no)
a bad attitude (we will have fun, but we'll be doing some lessons, too)
Bring a friend! (but make sure they have a permission form)
Our Growing Ministry
15 People at Breakfast Club two weeks ago! 17 kids at Breakfast Club last week! I am in awe of the wonderful way God is bringing middle schoolers to church. I love when I see you interact, listen to each other, share your faith, ask questions, and participate. I truly see the power of God working in each of you.
We've been practicing signing the Lord's Prayer. I have a tentative date for signing the prayer in church. I am hoping to do it on Sunday, March 7. We will practice at Breakfast Club and at LifeStream. However- you can practice at home too! Here's a link to the video I took of Julia signing it. Watch it. Pause it. Practice it. Do it!
I love you guys,
We've been practicing signing the Lord's Prayer. I have a tentative date for signing the prayer in church. I am hoping to do it on Sunday, March 7. We will practice at Breakfast Club and at LifeStream. However- you can practice at home too! Here's a link to the video I took of Julia signing it. Watch it. Pause it. Practice it. Do it!
I love you guys,
Monday, January 11, 2010
We have a new name! and more pictures!
We have voted! The Geneva middle school youth group is now called G.L.O.W. This can stand for God LIghts Our World or God Lights Our Way or we can make it more active and have it stand for Generating Light in Our World! I guess we might have more voting to do. We'll take a vote on what we want it to say on our new t-shirts this Sunday. I heard lots of support for a firefly as our logo. Any other suggestions?
Let's try to keep referring to our group as G.L.O.W. now, OK? It's going to take a while I think before everyone catches on. The more we use it the easier it will be.
Great turnout everyone for helping the senior highs load up the truck with the donations to Fort Street. We got that entire 17 foot truck filled form top to bottom and front to back in 45 minutes! It would have taken a LOT longer without you. Thanks to everyone who helped, and a special thanks to Billy, who also helped unload the truck on Saturday morning.
Here are some pictures from Friday. Loading up the truck
Let's try to keep referring to our group as G.L.O.W. now, OK? It's going to take a while I think before everyone catches on. The more we use it the easier it will be.
Great turnout everyone for helping the senior highs load up the truck with the donations to Fort Street. We got that entire 17 foot truck filled form top to bottom and front to back in 45 minutes! It would have taken a LOT longer without you. Thanks to everyone who helped, and a special thanks to Billy, who also helped unload the truck on Saturday morning.
Here are some pictures from Friday. Loading up the truck
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Here's a link to the pictures from Christmas Eve
The Christmas Story
Here's a link to the pictures from preparing and serving breakfast at First United Methodist Church in November
Serving those less fortunate
Thanks so much Diana Noble for remembering to bring your camera and especially for taking such awesome pictures!
I'm hoping to get a picture or two from Salvation Army Bell Ringing... stay tuned! Oh, and I'd love it if someone would remind me to bring my camera to our middle school events!
Sunday, January 3, 2010
It's a New Year!
I think when you're a student, all this talk about the new year around this time doesn't make sense. For me, the new year was September, when I was starting a new grade in a new classroom and possibly making new friends. So now that I'm an adult, I do start thinking about the new year on January 1, and thinking about the changes it might bring.
Check out this Taking a Minute by Jason Anderson and hear about what he has to say.
Check out this Taking a Minute by Jason Anderson and hear about what he has to say.
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