We had our first fellowship afternoon on Sunday. Returning mid-highs - Emily, Marilyn, and Beth were there along with a friend we hadn't seen in a while - Amanda. We also had 4 new mid-highs join us - Billy, Travis, Lauren and Jessie. We chowed down on pizza and played some fun games outside. Jessie was our "non-smiling" winner in the 'Honey I Love You...' game. It was a battle between Billy and Beth to find our Bop-It Extreme champion, and everyone had fun playing Taboo. I thought the time went by too quickly.
I got some good suggestions for afternoon fellowship events. I'm always open to hear new ideas. Keep them coming!
Are you involved in something this fall? Get me the dates, give me a schedule, email me the information. Let me know when you're doing something 'cause I'd like to come watch you do your thing.
Next fellowship time is scheduled for October 12. I'm not exactly sure what we'll do yet, but lunch will be involved I'm sure.